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Bro me Dude

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by CD, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    A recent message from AFNurse reminded me of the meaning of the term "Bro".

    He recently posted a message about the Get Kenny Riding fund on the V-Twin forum. This forum has over a thousand posts a day and well over 10,000 members. Not one, nada, zip reply, donation, thank you etc was posted. Now, this forum probably has the word Bro used a hundred times a day easily. The comments of supporting our troops and vets fly freely from their keyboards like the well greased comments of slick Willy. You would think that with all of the "Bro's" on that forum support for Kenny would be huge wouldn't you? Another case of being a keyboard Biker I suspect. It is easy to sit at a keyboard and spew out comments about support, helping etc but, actually do something? Sorry, I don't have the time, funds, etc. No time to even post thank you on his site? Fake patriotism makes me ill.

    The traditional meaning of the word Bro isn't calling every H-D rider "Bro" after you buy your first H-D or Cruiser etc. It is a word that had an inference of respect for a fellow Biker (another well abused handle IMHO). A Bro will stop for a fellow Biker that is broken down even if he does not know him. A Bro will get your back in a bar if needed. A Bro will come to your aid in the middle of the night in a raging snow storm. A Bro will help you rebuild your top end and even give you a spare piston if you needed one. In other words, the word Bro holds a lot of meaning to long time riders and they do not use the word lightly. So, next time you are using the word Bro, consider what it means.

    There are a few acronyms that give Bro a whole different meaning.

    Bolts Right On (Usually as wrenches are flying)

    Bend Right Over (The feeling you get when the shaft is approaching and there is no defense)

    Busted Resisting Officer (See above for next Bro use)

    Be Right Over (Get some beer, it will be awhile)

    I've been Bro'd (Usually is the direct result of the Bend Right Over situation)

    Okay, off the soap box.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2005

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