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Broken spokes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by zentar, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. zentar

    zentar New Member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Hi all, I have eleven spokes on the backrim broken this makes twice on the pully side. I dont think I hit any thing. This is on a american wirewheel 16''-5'' I run a 180 tire. The bike was dinowed and put out 89.9 HP and 99.9 Tork. is this to much Tork for a 80 spoke rim. Should I go with a mag. I really like the spokes. And mags cost so much I dont have the cash to by the mag either. THanks for the input.

    Ps. I do like to ride hard.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    How often are you checking the spokes for tension? Spokes shift and you need to check them periodically. riding hard and Dyno runs make this more of a problem.

    Make it a habit to have the spokes tweaked at EVERY tire change at the minimum.

    You are most likely experiencing the old bicycle thing where one spoke loosens then the next then an opposite side and next thing you know, you are on your but with a goofy looking wheel.

    Torque induces a rotational twisting motion so spoke are being stretched while under hard acceleration. The pressure is applied from the left side and the pulley is trying to pull forward. So these spokes would get more strain than the right side. Get one loose and it is the same thing as a bicycle.

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