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Buying my First Harley - Tips

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Stebal, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Stebal

    Stebal New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I'm getting ready to buy my first Harley. Hopefully an 08 or 09 Softtail Night Train.

    Anyone have any buying tips? How much can I excpect them to move on MSRP? What are some "perks" I should expect from the purchase?

    Enlighten me, please.
  2. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Local Dealers were ready to deal a couple months ago....Little harder now, but, they are ready to move some bikes.....Just keep haggling....They want to sell a much as you want to buy.....Phone different dealers.....Good time to get the extras while buying the bike.....Good luck...keep us posted
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup, keep dealing between a few dealers, and add the extras you want at the same time.....you may have to haggle a bit, but you will get what you want at your price......dont forget the pics!!!!
  4. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Five local dealers with in 70 miles and usually I have to order my parts and extras from a northern dealer.....20% off and no tax which means 28% off...could not find used Harley stuff on e-bay as cheap.....After changing the First Lady`s trike from a Classic to an Ultra and the other extras while fixing the trike this winter I had bought over $4,000 worth....with the 28% off it save me over $1000 at least...I know I needed it more than them!!...I don`t know how they discount their bikes up north, but, one local last year would only do MSRP and cut 10% off all extras.....:gah: It is your money strech it as for as it will go!!!! Someone is always ready to deal you way.....
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  5. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Different paint for both years if that matters. You might get a better buy on a left over 08. At the right dealer who is not moving many bikes you could get a good deal even on an 09 bike. What ever you do, do not pay any inflated price, but pay MSRP or less. Good luck with it and send a pic our way when you get one.
  6. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    I have found that the sales people have a standard line they give anyone that asks about the price of a bike .When you are ready to buy the sales person will start to deal. I would expect to get 5-10% off list price and a $250.00-$500. gift card on the deal. I have also got 10% off any a chrome add ons .
  7. Stebal

    Stebal New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I'm traveling an hour from Baltimore to Wilmington, Delaware. I think that speaks volumes to my seriousness about buying a bike. Hoping they'll make me a deal I can't walk away from.
  8. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    prepare before you go - check the HD site for there latest MSRP's and let the dealer know you have other offers. If they what your money they'll deal; if they don't want to come down on price - go on down the road or at least let think you will. Some of the sales people that work for dealers could sell snow to a eskimo.
  9. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Most of the HD sales people used to sell cars so they have had good training.
    Go get em Stebal and make em work for you. If you got a trade in that's where they get you. The sales guys I know fairly well at our dealer say they make better money sell used bikes cause they don't give you crap for em.
  10. Stebal

    Stebal New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    no trade. Straight up purchase.
  11. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I find that playing games doesn't work as well as being straight up, if they think you are playing they won't shoot you an honest deal

    1) explain that you are not a shopper but are serious
    2) if you have the cash say so, if finance explain you have excellent credit
    and the cash for the down if necessary
    3) Tell them the price you want to pay Out the Door.
    this is done by backing into the price of the bike you want
    4) Pick the bike you want, ask what comes on it, don't ask how much yet
    and then tell the guy you want to sit down and discuss, and if he meets your terms "you will buy today"

    Say you want an RG and the MSRP is $18400, out the door tax tag and title will be over $20K.

    So figure your OTD price you want to pay, say it's $18500
    Let him offer in writing
    You simply say, I had a different number in mind.
    Give it to him and sign off if you are ready to make the offer

    You'll get a counter
    So offer $18 (don't make a stupid offer like $12K it show you are not serious)
    his first response is I don't think they will go for it.
    tell him, well that's my offer take it over.

    The Sales Mgr is going to ask about your ability and serious, the salesman needing a sale will inform him you said you'd buy it right now if they meet your price.

    Get a counter otd at $19
    Make a counter at $18400

    Duck you just bought a bike.

    So let them make the first offer, be serious,
    have your credit rept with you if you are going to
    ask for credit and have your checkbook either way.

    pull it out, shows you are serious....
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  12. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I love the old sales pitch if I can get that price for you today will you drive it home, and then they come back with a sob story about we just can't do it for that price but this is what we can do. That's when you smile and get up and leave saying call me if you decide to deal at that price but you might be to late as I'm headed to another dealer. No games just straight up truth.
  13. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    I have done similarly, made an straight up deal, haggled for a while I finally told them what I would out the door we were with in 65 dollars of me driving home a new pick up but they said they would go broke given out deals like that I gave him one opportunity to accept the deal and if he came back with anything other than an ok I was walking out, .........I walked out but all the way to the door _I_ was being begged to re consider, the next day at about 9 A.M. the phone rang with a new atractive offer and all i had to do was come down and sign I explained to them that the deal was only good yesterday and that I was offering the opportunity to sell to another dealer.
  14. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Make sure you go to the N.A.D.A. site and Blue Book site to get current price on the bike you are interested in. The idea of playing one dealer on another does work too. Did you ever talk with Mike's HD in Delaware along I-95??? He also seems kinda resonable too (at least 3 yrs ago he was). Best of luck...:)
  15. Stebal

    Stebal New Member

    Mar 19, 2009
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    I'm actually headed to Mikes Famous in New Castle this weekend!

    I found the perfect Night Train this past weekend at a dealership outside of Baltimore. 08 Night Train with 1800 miles, V&H Big Radius, K&N high flow intake, race tuner, and in my favorite black denim paint. They didn't want to deal so I walked.

    I got a good vibe from the salesman from Mikes Famous when I spoke to him over the phone.

    I'll find the right bike soon enough.
  16. 72 Ironhead XLH

    72 Ironhead XLH Active Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    central New Jersey
    new bike

    This brings back memories when i bought mine.Back then if you wanted a Harley you put your deposit down in say 5/71 and you bike arrived 5/72.I called the entire east coast and found 2 in Pa.Asked how much,dealer said $2375.00 and a temp Pa tag. color was not an option,just finding one was.
    now that the thrill has worn off with import bikes you get to pick and choose what you want although prices have gone up a bit.Back then you had only 2 to choose from. The Sportster (900.1000) or the Duo-Glide FLH. You "the owner" did the custom work not a dealer.
  17. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Years ago Mikes was a "gouger" above MSRP no deals
    might be different now...

    Dealers down here that used to gouge are now selling at lower prices.

    Ask around people in your area that ride at bike nights, you'll get a name of people/dealers that work with you.
  18. RadarRunner56

    RadarRunner56 New Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Duncan, OK
  19. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
    Warranty work

    When doing your offers mention you are looking to become a 1 dealer customer and give him all warranty work and first chance on accessories and up-grades. Try to negotiate a % discount on parts,clothing and other stuff you buy there, most dealers wait for you to spend a few thousand before offering a discount on acc. and such. I get 10% on parts and 15% on any in store purchases, have also dropped $50k plus in last 5-6 yrs at same dealer.
    Shopping around is always good but so is being known by name somewhere, it doesn't take long to get to know the people somewhere and you will know if you want to deal with them.
    If you can arrange 20% downpayment in cashier's cheque(check) made out to cash it will help you deal a little harder when you put it on his desk! You tell him it's made out to cash so it goes to the dealer with best over!!

    Just don't loose that cheque:gah:

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