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Cam Cover / Outer Primary Install ?'s

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ratz, Oct 8, 2004.

  1. ratz

    ratz New Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Got an 05' FXSTI that I'm working on. Bought the chrome engine kit for it. I installed the chrome outer primary cover, and dumped the whole quart of primary chain lube in it (32 oz.). The HD shop manual calls for 26 oz. Next problem, is that I was supposed to fill through the clutch cover. I screwed up and filled through the inspection cover in front of it. So, I never did see the fluid come up in the clutch area as it was supposed to (hence, I added the whole quart trying to get it up). Well, I surmised at the time that the whole area is basically connected, so no problem(?) I would drain some out later if needed once everything circulated. Next project was changing out the cam cover. I was told by a buddy (with an 02' FXST) that when he changed his cover, no fluid came out. When I removed my cover, quite a bit of fluid came out. There's no mention in the manual of fluid coming out of this cover (no drain). What was the fluid, and where do you think I stand on the primary now - too much, not enough fluid, drain and re-fill using the clutch cover? I hate this being my first post, but I was going to ride to a show tomorrow that's 90 miles away, and the everyone is closed for the night..........
  2. dutch

    dutch New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    If the bike was on the side stand and not standing up right you will get oil out of the derby cover stand the bike up and fill to the bottom of the clutch. Dutch
  3. ratz

    ratz New Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    The bike was and still is on the bike lift. It looks level, but......? Anyway, the fluid in question came out of the cam cover (on the other side of the bike opposite of the outer primary cover). I was expecting no fluid to leak out when I pulled the cam cover off. I am hoping that the fluid that did come out was excessive primary chain lube that I had just previously added to the outer primary (because I may have incorrectly overfilled it). But, I was hoping someone with experience might tell me that this was the fluid I saw, and it was due to overfilling the primary. If that's not it, then what might it be, and why is it in there? I was under the assumption that no fluid would leak out of the cam cover, but ALOT did. The other concern I have is did I overfill the outer primary, and what repercussions might I see (if any) by filling the primary through the inspection cover instead of the recommended clutch cover.......... So, the bike still sits on the lift. I'm not putting the new cam cover on it, until I find out what the fluid was and I have determined exactly what happened. I'm hoping I know, but waiting for someone with more experience to verify some things for me.

    Thanks all, hopefully that clarifies my situation some more.
  4. dutch

    dutch New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Sorry I guess I didn't follow to well, 1qt. of primary is fine. The cam cover fluid is motor oil if all things seal up properly start the motor after the cover is installed shut off and check oil level. Dutch
  5. ratz

    ratz New Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Well, that's good to hear if it's engine oil. My buddy with the 02' swears nothing came out when he did his - wonder what the difference is between an 02' and an 05'..........Maybe his was way low at the time. Anyways, I have some oil on hand, so I'll check it once I have everything buttoned up tomorrow.

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