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Can't get carb adjusted right Help

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by brent595, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. brent595

    brent595 New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
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    I have a 88BT motor with K&N Filter & Hooker Headers Pipes. I am running the CVP Kit with the 195 Main and 48 Pilot. Right now my EZ-Just is set at 1 3/8 out from seated. About another 1/4 of a turn in past this point causes my engine to start galloping (po-ta-to, po-ta-to) while sitting at idle after being warmed up for about a 15 min. ride. Bike runs great, but I am getting fairly poor gas mileage and can smell really strong gas when engine is idleing like I am running way to rich, but can't lean it any further without the gallop. I also have popping on decel which I did not have before I started tinkering with it again. It is coming from the exit end of the pipes, not through the carb. I have changed out the exhaust gaskets and replaced them with copper ones and I'm fairly certain I do not have an exhaust leak. Anybody have any ideas about what I can do from here. Thanks.
  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Try Changing the jets 180 main and 46 slow. You may have to tinker with different sizes to get it down right.
    If that don't work PM - Kenfuzed - he is much more in the know on this than I am. Also check some of the posts - One of them goes into great detail on the effects of changing jets.
  3. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Go with the 46/190 combo in that kit, and while in there check the float. If it is set too high you will be flowing raw fuel in and causing the fuel smell you have from the exhaust. The main jet does not kick in until 3/4 throttle so it is doubtful that is causing the fuel smell at idle.
  4. brent595

    brent595 New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
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    Thank you for the reply. I did install the 46 slow just to see what would happen and I believe this may fix my problem. I did check my float and it was around .432, so that was within range. I didn't have time to do any tweaking, but I did have a much more defined point between the smooth and gallop. I was able to turn it in to make it gallop and then turn it back out and make it smooth again with only the screw and it was at the same point everytime, where with the 48 it would gallop all around several different adjustments and I would finally think I had it right, then sometime later it was galloping again. I set it at 2 turns out while I warmed it up and it seemed to have a quicker response, but still had a little popping on decel, but not near as bad as before. Once warmed up it smoothed out about 1 5/8 from seat so I set it at 1 3/4 and I'll see what happens tommorrow. If I still have popping on decel, I assume I would need to open it a little further out. If this is not correct, please let me know. Thanks again for all your help.
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    bringing it out a bit should help with pop.......

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