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Car fine, truck down now question 4ya

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by voodoo1, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Wow went out to the 96jimmy and turned it over a few times to get it started for the wife who cound not get it running. Well two turns I felt the battery going so I threw on the cable and fired it up. Drove it for the evening. Next morning it was so dead the power door lock did not even work.
    So took the battery out and had it checked.It was just outside the warranty by one week!! I expressed my opinion and got another battery(free replacement). They said the old one would only hold a 400amp charge and it is a 650cold cranker.But still that is alot to drain off overnight,about 7 hours.
    I went out put the battery in and figured I better check for shorts. I have one. Pulled every fuse inside. light stayed on. So it might be the regulator(built into the altenator.) :rant: So out in the freezing rain and snow I gotta I went ahead and threw both cables on to see if it would start and get it inside. The truck turned over great but not starting now!! I can hear the pump(replaced it ). I got a cloud over me for sure.:D Man this snow and wet weather just brings out the worse in vehicles. I stay on top of all the maintenance.

    If I take the cable off the altenator and unplug it and the meter/light goes out then, bam new altenator. This truck has alot of rust on the underside, the only thing else I might try is another ground to block.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    sounds like your on the right track......by unplugging everything, once you unplug something and the llight goes out, there is your draw.......you might try a new ground, they never hurt and you cant have too many!!!!:)
  3. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    Make sure when you are pulling the fuses you have the door switch held or the door shut or else that could be giving you a false short, also check the glovebox light and nothing in your cig lighter, Todd
  4. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    yeah the door switch and lighter....thanks!!!
    Got spark that leaves fuel. Man when this ice/rain stuff hits it really sends stuff into la-la land. I tried to heat the fual line some I cna't get it to the shop yet. I saw a fuel seepage along the frame. I figure that ain't helping:rolleyes: . I fixed one of those earlier this year. It was not worth messing with today, I had a motorcycle swap meet to go to.So I just left the battery cables loose.

  5. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    and so it goes

    New battery nothing,can't even move than dang thing cause it will not start. got me a spray bottle today of gas and still nothing.It has ot spark and fuel !!!
    Gotta be a silly sensor I guess. I changed out the entire ignition system about 5 years ago. Wow. Maybe the crank sensor again!!!?
    It goes from running good on a Thursady, to shutting off So now
    1 It won't start.
    2Turns over with spark( I checked with a dummy plug,)
    3.prayed fuel even though the pump can be heard and coming out the test valve(gotta check pressure though)
    4. Has a short somewhere.maybe regulator gotta still check that. This dang thing is out in the cold!!! checking for a short,still cannot find it. (Dome light goes out when the curtesy fuse is pulled Duke).

    Wow this thing is due to be retired but when it runs it runs GREAT!!!!

    Oh yeah gonna go out now and jumper for codes that ought to fun. I do not think the Cranksensor show up though. Anyone?
    Later:rant: :banghead: :cool: :mad:
  6. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    make sure all the fuses that you pulled are back in there correct position, I did the same thing one time on a tractor, very easy to get a fuse in the wrong position, and if it happened to be a ecm or fuel pump fuse it probably woudnt start, Todd
  7. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    One other thing just happened on my 89 s-10 a week ago ran fine, parked it and that night had a blizzard then next time needed to start would not start, had spark had fuel, the problem ended up being moisture in the distributor cap, I pushed it in the shop took the cap off and blew air in the cap and module, put it together and she fired right up, the snow must have blown enough in the engine and then got the cap wet and the plugs were crossfiring, I dont know if your Jimmy has a cap like my 89 but it would be worth taking a look at , my engine is a 2.5 liter, also I have heard of radios having a draw, if you have a volt meter, i dont think you should have more than 40 milliamp draw, hope this helps Todd
  8. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    yup it started

    Yeah that cap area caused me problems many times before!! I had the coil blow at 70 mph. We had it changed at a shop in a little town in KentuckY. When it was all said and done he replaced the crank sensor ,coil,module plug wires new cap, the mechanic was confused because it would still not run, Hje thought it was the timing chain at that point. (I was on vacation but I asked if I could look at it, He had not replaced the button looked brand new because I had just replaced it two months earlier when then snow/ice melt and crap go into that area, but I took it out and put in one he had in his junk pile and the dang thing started. The "button" got a serious dose of "juice". I told him a spurious signal got to it:D
    But I chased that cap and button and ignition module tonight and put a light on them as well as got it into a garage not heated. I checked sensors (first my voltmeter was on the end a battery killed twenty minutes getting a battery!!!).
    Sprayed the cap down/module down looks dry but that dang thing is sensitive!!! Oh yeah the dang wire on the coil it loosy goosy too.
    I still got a short, I still do not know what got into it. Maybe the "heat" got thru the line finally. I turned it one last time and it chugged them one more time and fired up?!?! this thing has done this every winter rain/ice no matter how many times I have checked,changed that cap and module!!!
    So the cable is off the negative and I will take it to work tomorrow make or break time. The weather is calling for a serious snow dump and frigid temperatures so we will see what goes on.
    Gotta get this done so I can help my buddy put radiator in his dodge truck.
  9. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    glad you got it started and hope you can find your short, winter is a bad time for getting moisture in your cap, all the temperature swings causes lots of condensation and wind can blow snow in the dangdest places, Todd

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