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Carb adjustment help...

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by elektronikbadger, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. elektronikbadger

    elektronikbadger New Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Virginia Beach, VA
    I just got my first HD (2003 Sportster 1200) and am getting ready to do a little work. Bike runs fine, but had a caugh at speed (not on decel or accel) and had a backfire thru the carb at idle. This is what I know and what I've done:

    Dealer put on a SE aircleaner (full flow), new pipes (Cycle Shack Slash Cut 1 3/4 M Pipes http://www.pipecity.com/Products/Pro...roductID/66427). The carb had been adjusted as the mix screw was not plugged.
    Spark plugs were tan prior to doing any work.
    Idle was set around 1400 rpm.

    I removed the carb and cleaned it and reinstalled = little change, idles rough at 1000 rpm. Mix screw seems to have no affect.
    I replaced the slow jet (42) with a (45) from the dealer = seems rich and possibly running a bit hot dles rough at 1000 rpm. Mix screw seems to have no affect.

    I have looked for an exhaust leak and intake leak but have not found any. I replaced the vacuum lines as they seemed suspect.

    I have read just about every forum post and have tried just about everything that I've found. I'm unsure if the dealership did a "stage 1" upgrade without doing the jets since I don't know if the pipes are "stage 1".

    I took the bike out today... the caugh is gone but now it's definately running rich and the idle seems a bit choppy. I have a little hesitation in the lower RPM range but definitely drivable. Plugs are light gray with a dark ring at the base of the threads. I'm adjusted about 3 turns out on the air idle screw but it still seems to have no affect.

    Any ideas to adjust? Thanks!
  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    1400 rpm is a little high - try setting it to 950/1000 rpm and redo the idle mixture - also put the 42 jet back in and go from there. main jet should be no larger than 180 - after you get that done try redailing it in - And if that don't work check with ART - he the sporty man on the forum and he may be able to help out with a few more ideas.
  3. elektronikbadger

    elektronikbadger New Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Virginia Beach, VA
    Thanks for the idea! I had thought that I should go back to the 42 and try again... I get a little change when adjusting the mix screw, and I'm now about 2 1/2 turns out. I don't have the stumble or cough that I had when I got the bike a week or so ago. No more backfires.

    I don't have the time to take it out for a real test drive, but I have a set of fresh plugs installed to run in the morning to see how it's doing. I didn't notice any hesitation in the low RPM's, but only a real test drive will tell.

    I'm also going to run some seafoam through the rest of the tank to clean the rest of the crap out of the carb. I think I'm really just fighting a dirty fuel system now, since putting the old jet back in didn't cause the issue I had to begin with.

    On another note... has anyone ever got some crap under the glass of their tach? If so, how did you get it out???

  4. elektronikbadger

    elektronikbadger New Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Virginia Beach, VA
    I took the bike out this weekend and she's running pretty good. I think I have a little bit of a bog when shifting, but nothing bad. It might just be the nature of the beast that I'm not used to yet.

    I went to the local bike shop (not HD dealer) and the guys there said it seemed like it was running right, even with the upgraded A/C and Exhaust and running 42 and 170 jets!

    Thanks for the help!
  5. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    sound's like you have it set now , keep comming back & throw in you 2 cents when you can :cool:

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