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Carb help ???

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Yachtman, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Yachtman

    Yachtman New Member

    Nov 23, 2009
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    SE Florida
    We'll, I'm another rider who just purchased the Deluxe kit with screw knob on the 17th, and I'm looking forward to its arrival. (maybe I should have ordered the elbow???!!!???)

    But I could use some serious help and some serious suggestions as I'm going to do the work myself. I had the bowl off just the other day to check the jets for tightness and put in a new rubber gasket, and even ventured out and readjusted the Idle Screw. Hopefully correctly too!

    I have a 2001 RK w/27600 miles, Luxury Rich Red, K&N Air Cleaner, RineHart True Duals, Mustang Solo (wife rides her own), some chrome and it's in seriously wonderful condition. It was stock for the most part and I've added all the changes. I hope you like it!

    Original owner was in Colorado, until S. Fla, and the bike has been above 10,000 feet elevation, more than once. He had the stage 1 done including pulling the screw cap and a set of Samson slip-ons (and a change up to a 48) that I thought had a loud and 'tinny' sound so after months of searching and some listening I purchased the Tds. The dealer did the original install, but I took them on and off a few times deciding if I really like them or the original stock mufflers and eventually stayed with the Tds. Now I love them.

    Over the past year or so the bike has picked up and annoying vibration at certain rpms, say 20 mph on 2nd, 30 in 3rd and 40 in 4th (+/_). At 25 in a 25 zone it's uncomfortable. Back and forth to the dealer and a few Indys and still the same. I'll skip the rest of the history, but I've tried numerous thoughts and ideas. Most techs say it isn't there, but it is. Trust me.

    My service mgr has had the next step 95" conversation, and etc, but funds are low so that's for another day. I'm not a fast rider, but would eventually like to ride two up and I've always thought I've lost some 'grunt' since the tds. He has suggested the HD dyno carb type kit to level out the 'spots' (that the TDs usually cause, 1year!!???) and that it might help with the issues, and I've put it off because I love my 40 mpg average (and parts and labor!!). Also, even the carb is freeking gorgeous! I'm a 5 hour/wash nut.

    So after reading and reading and reading, I came across the Harley Perfomance and liked what I read, and had ordered the deluxe kit on Weds.

    So I'm sorry for the lenthy post. But I'll take any help I can get. I love my bike and want it ride right. And I'm hoping my mileage doesn't suffer.

    (ps I'm 51, have had the bike for two years and it's the first HD ever and the first ride in 31 years!!)

    Road King pre-show 9-19-09 030.jpg

    Road King pre-show 9-19-09 002.jpg

    Road King pre-show 9-19-09 012.jpg

    Road King pre-show 9-19-09 085.jpg

    Thanks for any and all your help!

  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Check with kenfuzed on any major carb problems - HE IS THE MAN IN THE KNOW!
    Looking foreward to seeing some of those pics when they get posted. And if your planning on going to Panama City for the spring rally we'll see ya there.:)
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    check the motormounts, especially the front....if it moves change it/them.........
  4. Yachtman

    Yachtman New Member

    Nov 23, 2009
    Likes Received:
    SE Florida
    Motor mount is 6 months old and is a Glide Pro. Seems as close to an early 79 as is possible.

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