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Carb rejet using VH kit

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 2003fxdx, Apr 30, 2005.

  1. 2003fxdx

    2003fxdx New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Lebanon, IN
    Got some questions which have been probably asked before, but couldn't find it when I did a search. I just finished installing a set of VH Propipe HS 2-1 on my stock "03 Dyna Superglide Sport with TC88. This being my first Harley I don't want to screw anything up and need some advice. After reading the shop manual for the bike and the instructions in the VH carb rejet kit, plus a lot of posts on this board; I want to make sure I do this right. My questions are:
    1) Any tips on the best way to remove the carb like tricks that made it go smoother from riders who have done this before?
    2) The VH kit says to replace the main jet holder (emulsion tube) and install a 185 main jet - sound OK or any other suggestions?
    3) Drill out the slide lift hole? Most posts I've read suggested not doing this when installing only pipes and air cleaner ("Big Sucker") -- any help here?
    4) Says to use an e-clip on groove 4 on the VH needle -- Do I need to do this?

    Thanks for the help
  2. 2003fxdx

    2003fxdx New Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    Lebanon, IN
    Carb rejet and pipes help

    After spending a lot of time reading posts from search history on rejetting carbs, I decided to do the obvious and follow the directions in the V&H kit. Has anyone that's installed this kit or the dynojet kit (both are the same) had to replace the low speed jet?

    Before I tackled the carb, after installing a set of V&H Propipes HS 2-1 on my '03 Dyna I fired it up to hear the sound. Took it for a short ride (about 5 miles) and with the stock carb and air cleaner noticed some slight hesitation at low rpm prior to warmup with the enrichner pulled out 1/2. With enrichner in and warmed up, the hesitation went away and acceleration through the gears seemed OK. No bogs, coughs or stumbles. When I got back to the garage, I pulled the plugs and noticed the porcelin to be light colored. I assume it was running lean. Checking out the pipes ater this short run I noticed the front cylinder pipe uncer the heat shield up by the flange was already beginning to "blue" slightly. Is this normal with any pipe due to heat? Is their anything that can be done to prevent or at least decrease this? When I pulled my stock pipes, I noticed they had "blued" a lot under the heat shields.

    Thanks for any info - Ride on and ride safe
    Last edited: May 2, 2005
  3. hdotis69

    hdotis69 New Member

    Oct 28, 2004
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    If you keep the carb stock put a 195 main and a 48 slow jet in. If you use the VH kit use a 185 and a 45. On the thunderslide kit I had to drop the to a 175 and 45.

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