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CEO of GM wants us to pay a dollar more for gas

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Well he does run Government Motors so I guess he thinks a portion will go to him and the union. I think he's an ******* that's out of touch with how bad things are already for most non-government funded working Americans.

    From the article:

    "Detroit — General Motors Co. CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal gas tax boosted as much as $1 a gallon to nudge consumers toward more fuel-efficient cars, and he's confident the government will soon shed its remaining 26 percent stake in the once-bankrupt automaker.

    "I actually think the government will be out this year — within the next 12 months, hopefully within the next six months," Akerson said in a two-hour interview with The Detroit News last week.

    He is grateful for the government's rescue of GM — "I have nothing but good things to say about them" — but Akerson said the time for that relationship to end is coming because it's wearing on GM.

    "It's kind of like your in-laws: It was a nice long weekend. We didn't say a week," Akerson said with a laugh.

    And while he is eager to say goodbye to the government as a part owner of GM, Akerson would like to see it step up to the challenge of setting a higher gas tax, as part of a comprehensive energy policy.

    A government-imposed tax hike, Akerson believes, will prompt more people to buy small cars and do more good for the environment than forcing automakers to comply with higher gas-mileage standards.

    "There ought to be a discussion on the cost versus the benefits," he said. "What we are going to do is tax production here, and that will cost us jobs."

    For the years 2017-25, federal officials are considering 3 percent to 6 percent annual fuel efficiency increases, or 47 mpg to 62 mpg. That could boost the cost of vehicles by up to $3,500.

    "You know what I'd rather have them do — this will make my Republican friends puke — as gas is going to go down here now, we ought to just slap a 50-cent or a dollar tax on a gallon of gas," Akerson said.

    "People will start buying more Cruzes and they will start buying less Suburbans."

    Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    I heard on the news that fiat was buying out obama in the GM market , or a deal was in the works either way he sucks & is obama pocket :cussing:
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    What do you expect from an obama appointee

    Fact is they are going to do this or put in a mileage
    use tax on all vehicles, you'll have to have a recorder for
    miles of some sort that the "government" can trust

    See the by product of their "green high mileage"
    Low Emission Vehicle movement is that we get
    better mileage, and as we get better mileage
    we buy less gas,

    When you buy less gas and the tax on fuel
    is per gallon, the government gets less money

    So the same nitwits that figured we needed
    better fuel mileage never figured we'd also
    reduce the total miles we drive as well as get
    more fuel efficient.

    So they are loosing billions in tax revenue.

    As to Mr. GM, first, pay your bills,
    that original payoff to the government
    wasn't done with consumer purchase
    earned dollars, you paid it with borrowed
    money from other government sources
    you still owe the government, it's just
    a different loan, so tell the truth.

    Second, one word, diesel, great power
    great mileage, no batteries, no electric
    engines, no funky looking cars that only
    stop at Starbucks and sushi bars....

    Gimme a 1/2 ton GMC turbo 5 or 6
    that gets 20+ mpg while pulling my bikes

    Or a small car with a turbo 4 that gets
    50 mpg on the road like Volkswagen.

    VW can't keep up with demand
    prices are being held high on Diesel cars

    yet GM and Ford won't produce one.

    GM - Government Motors - Never by another..
  4. Hefitz

    Hefitz New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Pearland, Tx.
    One more reason I'll never buy another GM product.

    The UAW now owns 46% of GM (courtesy of the taxpayer) and Fiat will own the remaining 54%. Wonder how GM union employees like working for a foreign car company??:banghead:

    I wish more people would wake up and boycott GM.
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    Actually Fiat was given stock and control for nothing in Mopar not GM

    GM was another financial fugg up that our Crown Prince of Thieves used
    his newly found ideas to wipe out billions of creditors debts, take the stock, give it to Unions and bailout Union pensions, all of course in the name of contributions to his campaign..

    Secured debt holders in the GM debacle were pushed aside and not allowed to bid to take parts of the company or the whole, Obama decided he wanted it all to himself.

    When you look at it, the bail out of the car industry confirms what we
    all know about politicians and car sales people, they are the slime of the earth and when you get them together, watch out, hide your wallet, no wonder people hate buying cars and dealing with government offices...

    Thieves would be a kind word...

    Here's the proof, GM and Chrysler have NOT paid back the loans, as His Holyness Sir Baaaaarak of Obamaland stated, well at least with enough dollars to cover the principle amount given or with dollars from from consumer sales....

    Fact Checker - Washington Post

    Further, Obamas statements discount the Bush Loans, leaving $4 Billion from
    the Bush start of the program still unpaid, again the "Since I became President"
    man lies, and the auto industry piles on trying to gain sales back from FORD
    as though they have really paid the bills, when they have not.

    Even the WSJ has chimed in to report on the
    falseness of the "payback" and bailout of GM and Mopar
    and proves that the feds shunned the rule of law in the USA
    and made things up the way they wanted, Union bailout, period.

    Why should you be concerned? What will they take over next...Microsoft
    Apple, Lockheed? based on what they did here, anything they want they can take...

    Why would you want to invest into secured bonds at Government Motors, knowing that the Government might step in next week, declare your secured debt not valid take the stock, pay the union pensions and shell game the sale... Again...

    WSJ -The Real Cost of the Auto Bailouts

    Bring Lawyers Guns and Money - at least one thing being said is still true...
  6. Hefitz

    Hefitz New Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Pearland, Tx.
    Correct..........Chrysler and Fiat. Not GM. That's whole nuther kettle of fish. Either way, I'm shopping for a new Ford 150.
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    Good choice
    I have an 03 with 108K on it...
  8. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Well I bought my 07 4X4 Dodge 2500HD diesel new and that was before all this crap happened. If I was looking for a new truck now it would be a Ford
    4X4 F-150.

    However, I really like my Dodge

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