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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by JohnnyBiker, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I thought that this was interesting. I had to conduct an interview for a group project for school. I chose to interview the plant manager of the place that I work. During the interview he had made it known that we have just lost some business that we have had for a long time, but he did say that this particular customer has been scaling back for a long time. He did not, at least during the interview say where it went. There was no need to. Yesterday, it was said finally that the business went to China. The only bright side for this is that this didn't put any of our employees out of work. At least not yet.

    Also during this interview that I conducted, the plant manager was saying that there is a video that one of our technicians has that shows how the Chinese sit inside of a press and duck down to avoid injury to manufacture parts. I have not seen the video yet, but I know the guy will give it to me.

    Just more evidence that the manufacturing sector is moving out. In school, in my text book it was stated that the U.S. economy has been moving towards the service industry and moving away from manufacturing for a long time. This is obvious. the book also argued that in most likely hood, those manufacturing jobs are not going to come back. Duhhhhh!!!

    How does everyone feel about this? Does this spell disaster for America?? Do you think that America will ever be the manufacturing giant that once was again??
  2. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    A large manufacturer here in Oregon called Tektronix (you may have heard of em). They make electronic equipment like oscilloscopes. A large portion of their business went to China also, except for military contracts which must be manufactured here in the states.
    The problem with the China made stuff is they constantly are messing up the molds and equipment and must redo then constantly. The engineer I know that works there says it winds up costing Tec about the same in the long run.
    To me it makes more sense to make em all here in the states.
    I know its about economics and competition but I'd pay a little more for made in the USA and get better quality.
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    the problem isn't just with China vs USA

    We have huge trade and borrowing with China
    so giving them jobs helps keep China buying
    the debt our politicians keep running up.

    then the same morons spelled "politicians"
    make stricter labor laws, high employment and unemployment
    taxes, top it with mandatory insurance, the cost of having
    an employee keeps going up, with much of the money
    going to feds.

    Fact is it's simpler for the company to say
    screw it, offshore it and we'll just sit here
    and count money....

    Funny how the party that is supposed to
    protect the worker makes up tons of rules
    and laws (obamacare) that will be the end
    of most of the jobs for the ones that voted
    for those guys...
  4. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Ain't that the truth!
  5. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    The Politicians and big guys are the ones with jobs and making the money right now.
    Want to know more about the company that Obama gave the millions to for the drilling in Brazil instead of here.
    Obama is going to make money out of that..
    The people like us are going to have problems in the future.

    And like Hotroadking said, they are making too many laws here for business to stay afloat.

    I just can't understand about the new revolution going on in the world that started with Wilkey Leaks.
  6. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    There is no "one thing" that contributes to how how things go to China, but is mainly money that drives that.

    Out of all of this, no one answered the final questions, or bothered to comment on the others.

    Are we Ok with being a service driven society over a manufacturing one?
  7. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    What do you think, JB :rolleyes:
  8. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    You are not the White HOuse, or the politicians driving the business over there.And you are not the people that own the business doing Mfg or anything.
    There is no tariff to keep anybody from doing it.
    And you can't stop the Union here from doing anything.
    I was once told that when they do a bid on a High rise building in a major city.
    One Milllion is figures in the Bid for the Mafia payoff.

    You are only a small man Little Johnny.
    People ain't gonna tell you the truth cause they know they can't do nothing about it.
  9. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    In this case, I do not think that Unions have all that much to do with companies leaving the U.S. for "greener pastures', other than the fact that they suck the blood out of the company.

    I do not think that it is entirely the fault of the democratic party either. The start of the whole problem that we are having now, was started by Republicans. NAFTA either way you look at it, and if you can do that by just looking at the facts of how it was set up and carried out, NAFTA is the model that first allowed manufacturing jobs to leave. My dad was a victim of this.

    Do I think that the U.S. can reemerge as a manufacturing giant? Well the fact is that the U.S. is still the 1 exporting country in the world, China is number 2. I believe that the U.S. will lose it's manufacturing foundation and move to even a larger percentage of service oriented as we are now. Am I ok with this?? Not really, but these decisions are influenced by what the fiscal policy of our current government is.

    WikiLeaks has nothing to do with China. That is something that is not all that worth talking about at this time because no one really knows what happened. If you claim that you know, you are just listening to the media that most of us despise and do nothing but put slants that serve them.

    So here is another question. Most of the "old timers" here on this forum claim that they are for capitalism and not socialism. Makes sense to me, but what do you think our society is? Is it capitalism or is it socialism? Whether you want to admit it or not, we are both, the proper term is "Mixed economy." Now since most of us is more in favor of the capitalism society, why are we complaining about something that the republicans started in the first place. Most of the "old timers" seem to lean towards the republican side, we are all complicit in what has happened.

    CB, you are full of crap dude. I do make a difference. I go to the voting booth and let myself be heard that way. To sit back and say that we have no control over what happens is just feeding those people who are trying to take our freedoms away. This is not a time for defeatist attitudes. If you honestly think that there is nothing "we can do" to change our country, sit back and shut up and do not complain because it is that very kind of attitude that allows this stuff to happen.
  10. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    I am not ok with the service industry crap. I am a plant manager of a manufacturing company . The problem up here is the constant extending unemployment benefits causing people to not want to work. I have been trying to hire 20 machinists for awhile and everytime we have people come in and they are ready to go to work ,unemployment benefits get extended. Our claim to fame up here is we do complex high tolerance machine work like the V rod crancase so we need machinists.
  11. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I cannot argue with that because I can understand the frustration. My point of asking these questions is because it was just made a huge reality of what China is doing, as it hit just hit home for me.

    Steve B, what are your thoughts then on the extended tax cuts. I think that this was something that needed to be done. Good job to those that voted for it.

    I am also interested if you could elaborate more on why the extended benefits bother you so much?? Isn't it a good thing to help those that were victims of the credit crisis? Isn't having those people have some sort of income better than them not? Why or why not??
  12. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Who have you voted for that has done anything with the trade going out the door?

    When you have so many corrupt people making money one person don't count.
    And I'm full of crap.

    I'm to the point I don't stress out to care anymore.....
    What did Bill Clinton do when he spent so much time going to China making trade agreements with them.......
  13. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    The tax cuts will help with people spending money to economy going again. There are too many people out there milking the unemployment benefits instead getting a job. We are hiring and can't get people that want to work.

    Go Favre !!
  14. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    You are right, Clinton did sign things like NAFTA, but is was H.W. that introduced it. if you voted for H.W. back then, then you are complicit in what happened. Right?? Yes, Clinton was in China doing whatever, but I was in my late teens early twenties when he was president, everyone sure liked that economy then didn't they??? H.W. opened that door.

    CB, it sounds like you are more of a protectionist than anything. Protectionism isn't the answer, at least not in this world of today!!!
  15. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    You Mean #4??
  16. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    That would be the one. Best QB to play the game.He is out there tonight for no other reason than he loves to play football. He could be on the sidelines there is no gain for him other than pride.
  17. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    So here is the question, instead of going to the guys that are receiving the benefits, why not hire those right out of school? Can pay them less. Not only that, then you can train them the way you want them???

    yeah #4 is doing so great!!!
  18. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Like I was sayin, what big company is making all the money off the ethanol going into the gas.
    What big company will benefit from the millions Obama sent to Brazil for drilling instead of drilling here in the U.S.
    Why not pump the economy here that other countries.........
    The jobs right now are for Brazil and over seas.
    Why is the White House not releasing more permits for deep water oil drilling in the U.S.
    A lof of people in the offshore and oil companies are askin these questons.

    And the people off shore are talkin more about the NWO that you say nobody knows nothing about. I would watch this........
  19. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I have never disagreed with any of these claims, what are talking about is something that is kind of off of subject. This country has issues with the environmental things, who knows. But since you brought it up and since you live in Texas, do you honestly think there is enough oil in this country to sustain for a long time????
  20. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    The fault for part of the unemployment rests on the states. If a job is available the state should say here is the job. If you won't take it your benefits are over. :gah:

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