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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by marc 55, May 29, 2013.

  1. marc 55

    marc 55 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Basking Ridge, N.J.
    Damn red eyed bastards are just starting to appear all over the place...Shells all over the trees and holes in the ground every 4 - 8 inches...Just love it when they go crunch under my feet...I seriously may not go for a ride this weekend because of them...You should have seen some of the windshields at the bus stop this morning...They should be gone in two weeks or so and then back again in 17 years...
  2. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    In 2010 when we rode back east to DC they where out in full force. We fell asleep to the noise of em when we were in our tents. They is sure noisy little critters.

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