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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Rob, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Rob

    Rob New Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    I've got a 95 electraglide that just clicks when I go to start it sometimes. ( 1 click, not click, click, click)Sometimes it's been hot after riding a while, sometimes it's cold and not been started for a day. Always it starts when it feels like it. Starter is fine, starter clutch has been replaced, (probebly didn't need to be), battery is good. There is a little box with 2 terminals under the seat next to the battery, (relay? / breaker?) my trusted harley mechanic said heres the problem, changed it and off we went. good for a while but then same ol problem.
    I don't need this problem!

  2. ctd

    ctd New Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Stockton, CA
    I don't know much about Harley's but the electrical is basically the same no matter what it's installed on. I assume the mechanic you referred to replaced the relay/breaker you mentioned. If the starter is a known good, etc. I would definetly check out the connections in the starter circuit. They can be corroded under the lugs/connectors even though they appear clean. It could be a loose connection causing an intermittent connection, from the battery all the way to the starter. I assume you have checked the key switch for proper operation, as you meniton it only happens in the "start" position. I'd check it as well if you haven't. I think you'll find a connection that is either loose or corroded. Changing parts gets expensive. Let us know what you find.
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    CTD is pointing you in the right direction.

    A faulty relay can cause this, you can get them at a HD store for $20 or at a parts store for $5 just take the old one in.

    I would pull the battery and have it load tested what looks good at rest may not be there under stress of turning over a hot motor.

    I would also inspect the wires, check them for cuts or rubbed out areas that may allow leakage of current.

    Replace battery cables with good cables if you need, and shield them from rubbing

    Clean off the ground and make sure it has a good star washer under it to dig into the frame, I have taken a dremel and removed a little powdercoating to help with the ground.

    Start with the basics, check battery, make sure it's fully charged, check ground, cables, connections a multi meter and the SM would help.
  4. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Excellent advice...especially the part about getting down to the actual metal for a good ground. Seems to be a problem with the paint being so thick at times.

  5. Rob

    Rob New Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Click, and away we go

    Ok, well I've got some good direction and it jives with other input I've gotten. I was hopein for a sure quick fix...........ha, ha, ha before I start the witch hunt of wires. I haven't started the first dozon obvious things but as experience proves to me ya gotta start somewhere, then just follow the trail lookin for a bad ground or short, bear wire, switch,power, ignition.
    I'll let ya know what I find.


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