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Clutch lever prob

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Bassman, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Bassman

    Bassman New Member

    Jul 22, 2008
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    I haven't been on here for a while because I got laid off and couldn't afford to touch my bike.
    84 Ironhead sportster. Had a starter problem, replaced starter, primary gasket and added fluid. Starter clicks like solonoid is trying, so I though ok, push start it because it has been sitting.

    Problem: It's in neutral, I pulled in the clutch handle, and it would not pull in at all. Like squeezing a brick. So, I removed the primary cover again and moved it manually and it got unfroze. Problem is, now I can pull in the handle, but it does not come back out. Just sits there. I looked at the clutch release and it seems ok, but I am no Harley mechanic. Isn't the clutch release supposed to have a spring like action to it? If not, what could be making it not come back out? It is just really loose feeling. I can move the handle by hand, but it does not come back out like it should. And does not engage the clutch. The cable is not broken, and I have adjusted it at the cover both ways and still nada. Help?
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    When you pull in the lever do you see the clutch basket move?
    If not either you have a broken part in the system, cable inside the housing, connector, rod, etc , or

    It's improperly adjusted

    Hopefully Art or someone here that knows the sporty clutch system can help.

    BTW stop by a HD dealer and order a Service Manual for that bike, it will be invaluable when it comes to things like this, even to complete engine rebuilds...
  3. hddoc94565

    hddoc94565 New Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    Nor Cal
    Here is how to adj clutch. first adj cable so that it has max slack adjuster all the way in , Next in the insp plug there should a threaded shaft with a screwdriver slot in it there is the nut with a coller on it with coller to the inside (flat side out) turn the shaft till it bottoms out, wiggle clutch lever a bit to make sure this is fully bottomed. then turn the adj shaft out 1/4 turn. slide the locking nut on to shaft so that it drops in to the hex on the ball n ramp. put the spring over this and install insp cover/plug. this is the adj for throw out bearing. then adjust slack out of cable til you have 3/16 play at the lever. this should do it. But as everyone will tell you get the service manual, this is the most important tool you can have.... Good luck, Steve
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    good explanation.....thanks!!!!

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