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clutch took a dump

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by road dog, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. road dog

    road dog New Member

    Oct 30, 2005
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    Dallas ,Texas
    1998 softail special construction,1340cc ,dry clutch,1993 5sp tranny. I checked the cable,clutch release rod and then removed the clutch plates which looked fine.Then I checked for play in the clutch shell hub bearing ,which had quite abit.I am a auto tech by trade and just would like to know when my clutch took a dump, I mean no slipping just ,wham , no clutch pressure on the clutch release rod getting far enough to engage the clutch plates.Am I on the right track with thinking the hub brg having play could cause this problem, or might there be something else I need to check while I am into this as far as I am? I inserted a rod into the primary opening and worked the clutch which moved, seemingly fine. But ,when everyth ing is hooked up it doesnt seem to move my clutch discs.I would be grateful for the help.
  2. road dog

    road dog New Member

    Oct 30, 2005
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    Dallas ,Texas
    road dog 1998 softail special construction,1340cc ,dry clutch,1993 5sp tranny. I checked the cable,clutch release rod and then removed the clutch plates which looked fine.Then I checked for play in the clutch shell hub bearing ,which had quite abit.I am a auto tech by trade and just would like to know when my clutch took a dump, I mean no slipping just ,wham , no clutch pressure on the clutch release rod getting far enough to engage the clutch plates.Am I on the right track with thinking the hub brg having play could cause this problem, or might there be something else I need to check while I am into this as far as I am? I inserted a rod into the primary opening and worked the clutch which moved, seemingly fine. But ,when everyth ing is hooked up it doesnt seem to move my clutch discs.I would be grateful for the help
  3. Iron dog

    Iron dog New Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    Houston Tx
    First of all I want to welcome you to the site Road Dog, Iron Dog here 1982 1340 5 speed forward constan mesh tranny, dry clutchesand I just went thru a clutch fiasco and i feel for you my brother ,I almost sounds like your clucth cable broke , not to insult your intelligenece but guess you checked all that.Being a wrench I guess you have checked everything , I thought I had too and i was ready to buy a clutch kit when I thought about my clutch rod adjsuting screw. i loosened the lock nut and turn the clutch push rod adjsuting screw out til it no longer touched the release arm I tightened the lock nut and i had nothing but taxable horse power going to the rear wheel and to the ground . Good luck and don't give up, if it is man made you can figure it out and fix it.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2005

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