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Cold blooded beast! A 2001 XLC 883

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Folsomjack, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. Folsomjack

    Folsomjack New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    One week into a new relationship, It's OK but every morning it is the same drill! 2 or 3 4 second shots with the throttle closed and the choke full on to start. Let is fast idle while i put the hat and gloves on and then go popping and spitting a couple of miles untill it will run with the choke off. Milage is very good, got 132 to reserve yesterday all around town. If I roll right on it goes good but a small increase in throttle gets a back-fire for the first 5 or 6 miles. I have all the pieces to re-jet and adjust the needle but since it is 35 degrees here every morning and WILL be warming up in the months to come, should I live with this or what? My Vulcan 1600 is running smooth as glass in 1 second and never hesitates and still gets 40 MPG. (But it's not near as much fun to ride) This is myfirst Harley since 1955 so I am out of touch on reality.Comments and suggestions welcome.
  2. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    My bike is the same way ('96 FLSTC), cold blooded as all hell... By the time I get to school in the a.m. (6:15), it has just about warmed up. Will stall out on me at red lights, so I have to keep r's up just slightly. She is an awesome running machine when warmed up or when it is warmer out. Don't have any answers though... Guess I've just learned to accept it. Just a Harley thing I guess. :)
  3. Murphdog

    Murphdog New Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    If everything is still stock, the idle/slow speed circuit is pretty lean and that's causing your problem. Try adjusting the idle mixture screw out and see if that smooths out and speeds up the idle. You should get best idle with the screw 2-3 turns out. If that helps but doesn't cure it, up the slow jet from the stock 42 to a 45 and readjust the mixture screw.
    It's an emissions thing and very common.
  4. Folsomjack

    Folsomjack New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Thanks but since it has been 51 years since I had a Harley and am used to fuel injection scooters, I have a big learning hill to climb. Yesterday I mentioned the starting difficulty to a couple of friends who ride big twin hogs and they said, "give the throttle a couple of quick twists and hit the button" I did and it worked! It seems the good folks in Milwaukee have added an accelerator pump or some other enrichment device to this carb while I was away, and it works like a champ. It is still cold blooded for a couple of miles unless I keep the revs up a tad but they also said what it does in 35 degrees now and what it will do in 110 in July are two different things . I have all the jets and such to fool with it but I think I will resist the temtation and just enjoy the toy. I name every bike so this one will be "Addict" because she enjoys being on the needle . Regards, Jack
  5. Murphdog

    Murphdog New Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Guess I misunderstood your question, didn't realize you were having a starting problem. Yes, hitting the accelerator pump before you start it cold will work wonders.
    I'd still consider the idle mixture/slow jet change to fix the other problem, though. I wouldn't count on it going away completely when the weather warms up.
  6. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    I'd let that dude Idle at least 10 minutes when it's that cold just to get some heat in it. We're in the high 40s here in the mornings and I Idle at least 5 before heading out. I like to get the rocker boxxes at least very warm to the touch.
  7. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    high 40's would be nice it's 10 below here
  8. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    No offence but better you than me. They say we have a big cold snap coming in the next days (probably sliding down from your neck of the woods) . I'd have to agree, my knees are hurting so bad I can hardly walk.
  9. Folsomjack

    Folsomjack New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Too Cold to ride-- Leave!

    If you are going to allow an old fart to post you have to listen to "stories"! On new years day 1949 I was watching a foot-ball game on a huge black and white TV (13") from a place called Pasadena Calif. The game was not that interesting but I noticed the spectators were sitting in the sun and wearing T-shirts! At that moment we were having a blizzard and the damn snow was half way up our windows. I made my-self a promise. Find out where this place was and go there. 11 years later I rode my motorcycle up to the front gates of the Rose Bowl. It was in November and the smog was really bad but I found an open gate and walked out onto the field. A groundkeeper came roaring out on his golf cart wanting to know what the hell I wanted. I told him the story and he said " stay as long as you want" and I did. The smog and a jillion people drove me out a few years later and we settled in Folsom Calif. and I love it here. Regards, Folsomjack:)
  10. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    I happen to like that story, keep em coming! Thanks for entertaining us. (well me at least):D

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    When I Lived In Tucson I Could Basicly Hop On An Go, Now That I Live In Spokane I Get The Same Thing With My Sporty, I Have To Wait At Least 5 Min And Still Sputter A Couple Of Miles. Seems To Get Worse The Older She Gets. Even In The Summer Here It's Cold In The Morning. Our Summer Is Like A Tucson Winter.
  12. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    well I left chey at 10 below AND had the other woman :biker: strapped in the bed both the dodge and the bike needed a good wash upon arrival that way when my better half flys out on the 25th she is clean, hoping to get in some riding on the coast :D

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