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comment on a FXDBI build

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by stbob95, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. stbob95

    stbob95 New Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    2006 FXDBI. 155lb solo rider.
    Andrews 37's,
    95" 9.4 cr pistons,
    easy flow,
    cycle shack slip ons.
    head work will have to wait for a year.
    Want to keep a smooth ride at 75mph-Was told to use 9:1 and 26g's?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Recipe for torque

    Flat tops or up to 10.1:1 if you use a PCIII USB or SERT after that, might need some booster.
    TW37 cams gear drive for me please.
    Cycle Shacks are just fine.

    With my own 2KRK I have a 95", flat tops, TW37G and an older PCIIIR with Rineharts and pull 100 ft lbs of torque with no head work.

    If you clean up the ports some and cc the heads, you can get a reliable ride closeto 100-100 and a lot of fun to ride.

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