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Computer ?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Mike Novoa, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. Mike Novoa

    Mike Novoa New Member

    Apr 29, 2005
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    I've been building Harleys for many years, my first bike was a basket knuckle at age 15. Recently the doctor made me switch, at 60, to a dresser. I bought an '02 and three years later, I want to make it more 'mine'. It's carbureted, does anyone know if it has computer(s) controls like the injected models? I want to modify the exhaust system to remove the 'cross-over' pipe, and change the air cleaner to a smaller one, and remove the smog junk under the seat since they have not yet required smog checks for bikes here in CA. All as the $$$becomes available and 'homemade' as much as possible.
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I am probably NOT the right person to answer this question, but here it goes..... EFI/Fuel injection is computer based. carb is different. You should be able to change the air filter (ness/SE), change the pipes, and then because it is carb, maybe change the jets and/or carb. Like I said, I am not the best person to answer, but just doing those small changes should not be a problem, just a matter of tuning to your mods. Good luck!!
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    First, make sure you keep ALL of your stock OE smog stuff. The 2006 EPA rules are providing for smog inspections. By 2010, it is anticipated that many states will implement inspections.

    The ignition box on your bike is a computer and it uses most of the same sensors the EFI does to control timing and dwell. A change in exhaust and intake does not mandate a change in ignition boxes but, you can pick up additional power by going to a more aggresive spark curve.

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