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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by txspringer, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. txspringer

    txspringer New Member

    Apr 23, 2006
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    I have a 06 Springer Classic w/ SE stage 1 setup ( filter etc.), V&H Slip On Fishtails, and the Stage 1 download. Problem I have is popping and backfire thru exhaust on decceleration. Went to dealer that did the install and was told that the 1450 download did not take and would have to bring it back in. The tech would have to hook it to the computer, get the necessary data to send to Harley so they can approve the 1550 download ( recomended by Harley for the 06 if the 1450 download doesn't take). Should I be riding if the download is not working? Am I running with too lean a mixture to do any harm??
    Thanks in advance!!:confused:
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    what did the dealer say about your questions of leanness and riding it. they know about the problem, it is documented i assume, it is under warranty. i would ask them if it is ok to ride.....seems the ball is in there park right now
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    Huh? Since when is a Stage X (1-3) flash adjustable? Since when can the Scanalyzer download data?
    Your dealers service manager is a great story teller.
    Do some research on your own learn about your bike to protect yourself. Do a search in here as there are tons of posts on this subject.

    Thumbnail answer? The Stage 1 flash is fixed, cannot be altered and is for SE products only (SE filter, SE mufflers). Anything in the aftermarket flows more air and you are lean again and require another method of adjusting the fuel curve.

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