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Could this be a sign of anything?

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Primetime_2, Mar 21, 2010.

  1. Primetime_2

    Primetime_2 New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    ok last weekend put the kit in pretty simple especially with the directions! got everything put back together and had the idle screw out right off the bat 2 1/8 turns. ran like a champ and didnt spit and sputter INSTANTLY! I'm not kidding it was night and day difference from stock. the carb when we got it off had already been drilled to access the mixture screw so i'm thinking harley did it, cause the previous and only owner said he didnt touch a thing. well from the get go it had been runnin rich and blowin black smoke. the screw was out 3 turns! i thought that tells it all to rich! I'm blown away how well the bike responds now. finally got a nice day of course i'm not home but my brother is and his bike is in surgery right now so he asks can i take yours for a spin is said fine.

    -after riding he started messing with the ez just screw and could never get the bike to stumble??? what does this mean? he said it still ran great after so i asked is the screw still out only 2 1/8th turns and he said probably not so i'll have to mess with it some more but i thought i better post this now before next weekend before i go home and hopefully get my first ride.

    thanks again
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    If his bike is a Twin Cam sometimes its hard to find that lean stumble. Also if the pilot jet is a size too large you won't get a stumble.
  3. Primetime_2

    Primetime_2 New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    its actually my bike! my brother was just riding it. so i would think i'm totally safe with the big pilot right? will it load up bad while sitting at a light? if i remember right the jets that were in the bike were both 3 sizes smaller than the ones the kit said to put in! my first thought was wow its gonna be rich but it seems to run great.

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