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crank sensor

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Banchie, May 20, 2006.

  1. Banchie

    Banchie New Member

    May 20, 2006
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    :mad: I have a 1988 FLHS be having problem with crank sensor it keeps blowing. I have replaced slater,regulator,spark plug wires,ignition module,rotor,checked all the wires for possible breaks and replaced battery , coil and found nothing. (I have dumped 1,000.00 in this and no fix, nobody knows what the problem is.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    By "crank position sensor" you are referring to the cam timing sensor otherwise known as the ignition sensor right?

    Since you have checked all of the wiring etc, have you determined the mode of failure?
    Did this just start happening out of nowhere?
    How many miles are on the engine?

    Have you checked to see if the rotor cup has scuffed the sensor? On high mileage engines, the outer cam bushing can wear and the slight wobble can cause roto cup to strike the sensor. Look carefully at your old ones and your rotor cup.
  3. Banchie

    Banchie New Member

    May 20, 2006
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    cam sensor

    Thanks to your responce, and yes it is the ignition sensor. It did happen all at once,last year in september on a poker run.The bike has 60390 on it right now.And it dose seem to me that it possible that their was some dust on the rotor cup (plastic).It seems to had a mid range cam install in it ,but how long ago I dont know.AND THANKS AGAIN BANCHIE I WILL CHECK IT TO SEE IF THAT IS IT.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Yep, 60k and a cam change without checking for proper bushing ID against cam OD pretty much will guarantee on of three things. You can get lucky and it will be close enough or, you can get unlucky and it will be to loose and it will allow the cam to wobble causing things like this or, it might be too tight and cause not so nice things to happen to the cone. I would get a good look at the rotor and it might just show signs of contact. All it takes is just a little rub...

    Let me know what you find.

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