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Cv carb HELP

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by milwaukeevtwin, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. milwaukeevtwin

    milwaukeevtwin New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Well i sent my carb out to Wally Kerkstetter. He was in Hot Bike about carbs and is suppose to be really good. Carb has not ran correct since i got it back, I can not get rid of the spit. I have a 97 softail with stage one and a big sucker air cleaner. I am running a 185 main with a 48 slow now. Still having problems. He sent it to me with a 45 slow and i tried a 46 and now a 48. Still same problem. Sprayed carb cleaner for leaks and none. Just ordered a new diapram from Ken and installed. No difference.Please help i am frustrated as hell. I would not think i should have to go to a 50. Only spits at low throttle.
    Thanks, Ron
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    will it quit spitting with the enrichner pulled out a bit??? do you know what he did exactly to your carb and whos parts he used????
  3. milwaukeevtwin

    milwaukeevtwin New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Complete reconditioning of the carb includes:

    completly taken apart and placed in ultrasound machine

    Airflow is improved by polishing internal surfaces -- every sharp edge that airflow contacts has been radiused and smoothed.

    The slide’s air hole has been drilled one size larger than original to let air from the diaphragm exit quicker.

    The front sharp corner on the slide has been beveled to improve airflow and to make the slide open a bit faster.

    88 xl needle used in all my rebuilds (unless otherwise specified)

    Precise grinding on the inside of the slide brings it close to a Thunderslide’s weight.

    My baseline carb set-up includes a #48 slow jet and a #190 main jet. I can install any combination of jets you prefer.

    Let me know at the end of the auction if you would like different size jets.

    Each unit is tested to ensure that it opens with less vacuum than a stock carb to provide quicker throttle response.

    My performance CV carb will work very well in eliminating the mid-range "flat spot" experienced with the stock unit. It will do wonders for getting rid of that cold engine "cough" experienced while the bike is warming up.

    Also you will notice improved mpg

    This carb will work great if you have opened your exhaust system – something just about every Harley owner does.

    My personal Sportster is running one of my performance reworked CV carbs – at the last dyno drag, this bike ran a 10.5 @ 120mph. With my carb, it produces 90-plus horsepower.

    Check out my "ME" page for more details and a link to my website. I can also rebuild your Harley CV carb and have it back to you in a few days -- a week at the longest. E-mail to let me know how you would like your unit set up and I’ll send you a quote.

    Try one of my CV units on your bike and experience the difference a performance reworked carburetor makes.

    (Dyno testing by Hot Bike Magazine on a completely stock bike -- Adding one of my carbs and open pipes produced a dyno reading of 9 extra hp and 10 extra pounds of torque!)
  4. milwaukeevtwin

    milwaukeevtwin New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Seems better with the enricher pulled out a bit?
  5. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    I’ve seen this add and read the article a few years back in Hot Bike. I believe he is just copying some things that Ken was doing back then. If I remember correctly I got my first carb from KEN in 02 or maybe 03. Still use it today on the wife’s bike, it’s been on 3 different bikes and still works great, I ask Ken a while back if I needed to update it with the new parts he is making now and said nope.
    Maybe getting a little flutter if the slide is too light and the spring is too weak.
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    thanks....the polishing is unnecessary, actually it should be on the rough side for better atomization..he drilled the slide which is a very bad thing to do....when that hole is enlarged it will flutter and be very difficult to tune. if the bike seems to run better with the enrichner out a bit, it is starving for fuel in the idle circuit, and the enrichner is helping with drawing in more fuel at idle.....how many turns do you have the airscrew turned out??? it should be about 2 and 1/2 turns......
  7. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Actually I've dealt with Wally before and he is a very good carburetor builder. However even the best could have a problem carb at one time, but regardless lets see if we can get you fixed up.

    Unless you are batttling an intake leak you shouldn't need to go higher than 48 on the pilot jet. A #45 or #46 is commonly correct for a 80" EVO motor unless stroked or aggressively cammed.

    How many turns out do you have your mixture screw? Even the best built carburetor will need the mixture fine tuned as all engines breath differently. I'd first go back to a 45 pilot jet, then begin setting the mixture screw. Usually a good starting point is around 1-3/4 turns out from seated. To fully tune the mixture rather than guessing, turn the mixture screw inward with the bike running until you get a slight stumble, then back it out another 1/2 turn. Ride the bike and if it hesitates or coughs back out the screw another 1/8th turn. If you get the screw out beyond 3 or 3-1/4 turns I suggest moving up a size in pilot jets.

    It's been a long day so if I didn't describe that right the full article is half way down the page at:
    Harley Davidson Carburetor Performance Tuning
  8. milwaukeevtwin

    milwaukeevtwin New Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Thanks, Ken. SSDD. I did what you said and had the screw turned out to 17 turns and still spit. What a bitch. The only differenceis when i got on it at around 75mph the bike fell on its face and i had no gas. Just like the bike stalled. Hope this helps us figire it out. I have ordered several jets and easy mixture screw from you in the last couple weeks. What is next? Thanks, Ron
  9. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I guess I would start looking at your plugs to see what is going on. I am sure you know that black plugs mean you are too rich, and a grayish color is where you want to be. If you you are white, then you are too lean. Just a thought. Other than the carb, have you done any other mods to the bike????
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    got to be an intake or vac leak...

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