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CV Carb options

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by AFBombBldr, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Sandhills of NC
    Hey all, does anyone have an opinion or experience with Dakota Kid's CV carburetor rework? I've never read anything about the results, I just know it sets ya back about $300, plus shipping. :eek:
    I have a '04 Wide Glide, with no immediate plans for the engine except exhaust, intake and possibly ignition.
    Is it worth spending the extra couple hundred, or would a Thunderslide kit be a better choice? I'd also use DP's CCP fuel inlet and idle mixture screw.
    I'm what you'd call a novice mechanic, but not afraid to take things apart. Seems like the DIY project would be more fun/educational, and less expensive.

    Is there any comparison between these options?

    Thanks for any and all inputs.

  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA

    IMHO the thunderslide kit isn't necessary, you can drop in a sportster needle and leave the main and pilot jets alone, pop the cover off the air mix screw and set it up for the proper mixture,

    HD sets the bikes up lean from throttle opening to about mid way, that's all epa looks at. at WOT they are fine.

    Sportster needle helps it in the mid range and the air adjustment at the bottom.

    I wouldn't go to the DK upgrade just yet, if I was going to get my CV done it would be by www.woodcarbs.com for the rebel 40.5, but you don't need that until the motors been worked on, cams, heads, pipes big bore,

    You should purchase the ness big sucker or hd se high flow filter kit and put on a set of good slip on mufflers, khrome werks, S&S, cycle shack to get optimum power out of the motor. It will be the best $ performance you can spend.

    AFter that it gets expensive :eek:
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    We have sold the needle and elbow to Dakota kid since they started up quite awhile ago. They are good, knowledgable folks that put out a high quality product. Several magazines have tested it and liked the results. I have looked at quite a few of their runs and there is a good difference in the curve. If you want to stay CV and plan on making cam changes etc, this is not a bad choice.

    That said, like HRK says...there are other options. I don't like CV's that are bored so much that they have to be patched with epoxy in the venturi. I do not know if Woods is still doing that but I would definetly do some asking.

    Look hard at the Mikuni HSR42 easy kit. Real good bang for the buck.
  4. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    02 wide glide

    IMHO...just stick with the current CV as mentioned and rejet as mentioned.
    I did not even mess with the main needle. I tried it both ways with the sporty main needle deal, I had an extra sporty CV around and just used it after putting in the correct jets It'll live without messing with it.IMHO) HRK mentioned the set up I am using to the "T".I did notice (with "stage one")it takes less throttle while cruising than before and it picked up in the mid range "take off" also Made me SMile!!. This winter though I'm swtiching to a 2into 1 VH..set up. Should still be ok on the engine though. To my knowledge (could be reading the cam lobing info wrong)there is no opening overlay between the intake and exhaust valves while using the stock cam. i.e..more about sound and less effort on the engine than "power" till stage two or whatever..once I change the cam/port-heads the pipes should deal more with breathing, then I'll be asking the questions... :D the Vh will be just fine with the setup I am heading towards. (trying to get better flow and work the bike easier than big HP results..(too much performance tinkering = heat making for more wear and c more tinkering(LOL) IMHO)just my thing..these guys here are very knowledgeable in details here..GOOD LUCK pretty much after stage one as mentioned the rest is sound and preference to style...unless you plan on going even further. :D It is all FUN and your choice enjoy it!!! really hard to go wrong!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2005
  5. Cracker

    Cracker New Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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  6. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Sandhills of NC
    Good stuff

    Thanks guys, for the good info. Not sure yet, but a step closer.
    I have a bit of time to figure it out; I'm here in Korea, without my scoot until Aug (exc. 1 month's leave), so it's as is until then. I hope just to get the initial break-in miles on my leave, but probably won't have time to do much work to it. Heck, it will be nice just to ride!
    See ya! :cool:
  7. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    I have a Dakota Kid reworked carb and have been very happy and impressed with the work they did to it. The "sneeze" back through the carb that was common with my thunderslide kit (and would sometimes even stall the bike at a stoplight) is gone completely. Popping through the exhaust on a closed throttle is very much diminished and almost entirely gone. Throttle transitional response is much improved and the fuel mileage is even with what I had before (38-40Mpg) even though I switched to a big bore with Branch heads at the same time the carb was done. I was tipped off to their company while reading issues of HOT BIKE a couple years ago. Definately worth $325.00 when compared to most other carb options. If you buy another carb you will have to try to dial in the jets yourself. With DK and Woods modified carbs...you tell them what your set up is and where you live and they will set up the carb for you from extensive experience. My carb only needed about 1/8th turn out on the idle speed adjustment and it was perfect....strictly plug and play. Woods is said to give slightly better power and fuel mileage...from what I heard from a guy who's tried both....but Wood's cost double the money.

    I've referred a couple riders on the V-Twin forum to Dakota Kid and my father in law...and ALL HAVE BEEN VERY HAPPY WITH THEIR RESULTS. I'm not saying they are the best....but they are money well spent. :D
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    btw I wasn't trying to imply DK isn't ok but that it' wasn't necessary for a stage 1 build. A simple needle and adjustment with pipes and filter is all you really need.

    Once you go to the next level big bore cams heads then rework the carb.
  9. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Sandhills of NC
    HRK, I caught what you were saying, it makes a lot of sense just to rejet the stock CV with the minor upgrades I'm thinking of. Budget is a factor at this point too, and I just wanna ride. :D
    Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge and opinions, I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.

  10. VYBR8R

    VYBR8R New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Tracy, CA
  11. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    At $325.00 why not buy a Mikuni? CD had a special on them for $250. I bought one for a 99 Fatboy and it works great. Basically just bolt and go with no down time. It's the second one I've used and I've had no problems what so ever. Greatly increased throttle response and coughing/sneezing was completely eliminated. Just a thought.

    Good luck.

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