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CV Carb Spitting gas. Lost on what to do.

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by aaron_catrina, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. aaron_catrina

    aaron_catrina New Member

    Apr 3, 2021
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    Hey all. I have a ‘02 FXDX running a Thunderheader and a Roland Sands K&N air cleaner. Recently installed a CV Performance tuner kit with the spring, needle, EZ Just, idle screw, and the jets. I went with the 48 pilot jet and 190 main jet. The carb is spitting gas out toward the filter as seen in the video. Lost on a fix. The accelerator pump nozzle is facing the right way and hasn’t been modified. Could use some assistance or advice. Not a fan of taking my bike to the shop.
    Video link
  2. xcaret

    xcaret New Member

    Apr 23, 2021
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    I was unable to find a float for my carb, on my 1991 FXSTS ,anywhere in this world. I bought a complete knock off carb from from Amazon, and just installed it . I have the easyz air.fuel mixture screw too. I had lots of fuel like you have , but it was because my6 vacum line wasn't hooked to the air cleaner . Once I hooked it up , it ran good . That probably isn't your problem ,.but it cost me nothing to mention it . Also I had my daughter hold the throttle while I adjusted the eazy air / fuel mixture screw . I havn't tested it out cause in Canada today it's cold . The eazy fuel/air screw made a big difference when I tightened and loosend it .
  3. xcaret

    xcaret New Member

    Apr 23, 2021
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    When adjusting the fuel/air screw , how do you know if you have it right ? I used mine in my new carburetor today, and it seemed hard to count 2 and a half turns . I screwed it way in from where I had it ,and it runs good at idle ,and when revving it up . Does that screw do anything once your on the road?
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    This answer is for Aaron:
    I may have answered this already in an email if this is the same person. There could be a couple of things happening here including float level too high, incorrect spray coming from the accelerator pump nozzle, or clogged passages (common) not allowing the correct amount of air to mix with the fuel before it is drawn up through the emulsion tube.

    Xcaret: Its difficult to diagnose much since you are using one of the knock-off import carburetors and not an original Harley (Keihin) carburetor. They are known both for their erratic problems and not working correctly with parts made for the original Harley carburetor. But to answer your question, the mixture screw adjusts the amount of air/fuel mixture is supplied in the transition between idle and off-idle. The mixture screw will have no impact to full throttle or cruise.

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