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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by mal, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. mal

    mal New Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    hi mal here i ride a 99 model dyna wide glide 56 k onthe clock 88 cub i have recentley had the cams changed to aset of s@s 510 gear driven cams seams very good my problem is i have had the cv fix up with the thunder slide kit the jeting size are the poilet is 48 and the main is 175 it is real good up top but it runs like **** down low i forgot it also has a hyper charger and aftermarket pipes :witsend: thanks mal from australia
  2. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    Pilot jet seems to big to me...try a 45 or 46 pilot jet.
    Others that know more than me will be along with some suggestions as how to dial your carb in. Good Luck:devil:
  3. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    1) Get rid of the Thunderslide, go back with the stock slide & don't drill it out. The idea is to make the slide raise quicker for better throttle response & it will raise quicker - but then it "hunts" - moving up & down always trying to find the right position, which it never does.

    2) Slow jet is too big - you probably need a 45 for that application. If it was me I'd get a 44 & even a 42 to try, but a 48 is definitely too big.

    3) Main jet is too small. I can't tell you what the best size would be for your bike, but for example, a 175 main is the baseline for a 1200 Sportster with stock cams.

    Assuming you were dealing with the dreaded "carb farts", that's almost always the needle & I like the N65C (H-D part # 27094-88). "kenfuzed" here has a carb kit with a similar needle that's machined better & although I haven't tried his kit yet, I understand what it does & it's what the best tuners have been doing for years - fix the problem rather than put a "Band-Aid" on the symptoms.

    You're "on the needle" almost all the time & if you look @ dyno charts with the air/fuel ratio graphed, you'll see a spike in the 2500 rpm range - carb goes way lean. Messing with the slide, changing the spring, going up on the slow jet, etc. does not fix the problem - the needle is the problem. A bigger slow jet turns the spike into a bump & while the "seat of the pants" dyno may say the problem's gone, it's not & I can see it on the real dyno.

    You can get the kit from "kenfuzed", or just get the N65C needle from a H-D dealer (about $8 U.S.). Get the low end dialed in & then try different main jets to see which one your engine likes the best - I prefer the engine to tell me what it likes rather than me telling it what it ought to like. 2.5 turns out on the idle mixture screw is your baseline & you shouldn't have to go more than 1/4 turn either way from there. And if adjusting the idle mixture screw while the engine's running does next to nothing, that almost always means the slow jet is too big.
  4. mal

    mal New Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    ok fellows thank you you have given a lot of imformation to work with ////the dyno i dont know //i think i will try and have a go at it my self // i will keep you posted as i go thanks mal
  5. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Do you have any problems in the midrange? - Dyno testing is done for full bore apps (top end -max torque) but how often do you run wide open?
    A dyno is nice but tuning for moderate speeds will give you what your looking for.
  6. mal

    mal New Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    yes it dose feel jumpy at mid range
  7. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    The dyno operator is key - most run full-throttle from 2000-2500 rpm to redline, but you do not have to do that. We've done several tests with several bikes over the years, including runs up thru the gears @ part throttle, holding a steady rpm @ like 3500, etc. - trying to get as close as we can to real world conditions. Of course the dyno does not take "wind resistance" into account, but you do not have to put the bike in high gear, crank the throttle wide open & see what the max HP is. You do want to do that & if the dyno has an air/fuel ratio "sniffer" attachment you can learn a lot from a full-throttle run, but it won't tell you what's going on under the part-throttle positions you normally use & rpms you normally run on the street/road.

    A really good dyno operator can get pretty close though & sometimes they'll have you ride the bike - run it like you would out on the road & the operator will watch the computer screen. You can get several chart print-outs under varying conditions & then you can see what the engine is doing. Carb slide's not working right, jetting is wrong, ignition timing is off, etc. Dyno won't get you to perfect, but it'll get you pretty darn close - if the operator knows his machine & how to use it.
  8. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    And there in lays the problem - How many good DYNO men do you have in down under land. Probably only at a dealer; but you might get lucky if your can find a good shop in your part of the world that has a DYNO.
  9. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Its next to impossible to tune a carb with a Thunderslide without getting it on a dyno. Like others have recommended get back to stock (slide, emulsion tube, needle). Keep in mind that none of these parts are compatible with each other, Thunderslide or Dynojet parts don't mix with stock so don't try to replace only some or you will still be chasing problems.
  10. adobo

    adobo New Member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    had the same troubles with my thunder slide so bought a new original slide from dealership then added this tuner kit at harley-performance .comStage 1 Carb Tuner Kit

    Came with all parts I needed and now never think about bein out of tune only think about riding :D
  11. mal

    mal New Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    you are right in my area there is 2 to dyna tune shops witch i have to travel 2 hours to got there you ring up to get help and they do not want to give any advice the same old story bring it down and we will have a look not happy with some work man ship that i have go so i am going to have a go at it my self //a dyno here cost me about $460 plus all the exstras /the really good ones are in sydney witch is 4.5 hours from home
  12. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    You should be able to get the idle & low rpm range dialed in & then you can do "roll-on" tests. Just pick a straight & level stretch of road where you can run full throttle in high gear for a long way without getting in trouble - you'll need to make the same run many times & it wouldn't be wise to invite the police ;) Pick a point A & a point B - cruise along normally to point A, nail the throttle @ 50 mph & hold it to point B. How fast were you going when you got to point B? Notice any hesitation, "carb farts", etc.? Establish a baseline making the same run @ least 3 times before changing anything.

    You can do it 4th gear starting @ 40 mph if there's not a good place to run the bike that hard in 5th & looking @ the SpeedCalc program, @ 5500 rpm in 5th gear an FXD would be going 129 mph. Very few Harleys will pull to redline in high gear, but the point is you're making your own dyno & if you can run say 50 mph to 85 mph over the same stretch of road again & again, you can use the "roll-on" tests give you a lot of info.

    Once you establish a baseline, just change one thing & make the same run again - if you make more than one adjustment you can't be sure which one did what. And although today's gasolines with detergent additives make spark-plug reading difficult, you can do a "plug chop" if you're on a road where there's a safe place to pull off to the side. At full throttle & at the end of a run, chop the throttle, pull the clutch in & hit the kill switch all @ the same time, then coast off to a safe place. Pull the plugs & see what they tell you. Make whatever adjustment you think you need & go do it again.

    Also, roll-on tests take into account things the dyno does not, including aerodynamic drag on you & the bike. Doesn't count for much @ low speeds, but once you get up to highway speeds it certainly becomes a factor. You can learn a lot from roll-on tests & although it'll take time to get the bike dialed in, you can do it without going to a far-away dyno & spending a lot of money.
  13. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Sounds just like what the doctor ordered. I put my Dyno stage 1 kit in and am having trouble getting the idle to settle down (found out what the problem was and now I've lost top end power. I can get it up to 80 mph top and have no power after that.
    Gonna grab a couple extra sets of plugs and find a place to test it out. See if that don't work.
  14. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    boggy down low - too much fuel - smaller pilot jet
    jumpy in the middle - thunderslide - drilled out slide hole, weaker spring = jumpy because the slide hunts vs staying in position

    Dump the kit
    Drop in the 45, new slide with correct spring non drilled hole
    Drop in the larger main jet

    Adjust Air mix screw

    Should run great...

    Just repeating it in case you wanted more of the same, just like marriage huh lol

    You won't need a tuner if you do these things, now make your check or money order for your $450 saved to

    Concerned Americans Saving Horsepower or just C.A.S.H
    Po Box 2457
    Schenectady New Yawk, 01293
  15. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    hehehehe:roflmao: :roflmao:
  16. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana
    Oh boy - Just what I needed - Have the new slide and don't have it installed yet. The Wifey got me on a honey do list so long I think she's in leaque with the anti-bikers of the world. But I shall overcome - Helps when ya got a bunch of grandkids that are trying to get on Gramps good side now that riding weather is here.:roflmao: :roflmao:
  17. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    child labor........folks been using it for years!!!!!! hehehehehehe.......hell i had to do my chores before i could go out play....seems llike times havent changed!!! lol
  18. mal

    mal New Member

    Apr 1, 2009
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    yeap you are right about the marriage bit i have changed the needle setting to riching it up changed my piolet to 46 main to 185 took the vacum off the hyper charger keep the flaps open all the time know as i speak to day the bike seems to preform at both ends of the scale when you sit down with a stubbie of beer and think and ask a few questions and take note of people helping i think that i have marsted my problems ok so it took a few days but when i am not to good at this sort of thing it worked out well i would like to thank all who put some in put into my problem thank you you have saved me a lot :D
  19. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    glad it worked out!
  20. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana
    Put the new slide and changed the one washer on the main jet last night and checked the carb over while putting it back together; everything was working per the manual. Took it out today and scared myself half to death. My baby can roll with the big boys again.
    No carb farts -accel was great all the way to redline; no pops on decel and top speed increased to 105 from 80. All in all; I would say the beast is ready for summer.:D

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