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CV kit install

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by 2002Eglide, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. 2002Eglide

    2002Eglide New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Southwest Florida
    So, I received the CV kit and let me start by saying how greatly detailed everything is. I watched the install video about 20 times and once I felt comfortable I took the carb off the bike. My bike is a 02 FLHT with a stage 1 air cleaner and slip on mufflers.

    When I took the bowl off I found the bike had a 45 pilot and a 190 main jet. The bike has a stage 1 air cleaner and will have Jackpot Pro touring slip ons when I finish Friday night. I started this project after noticing the front head pipe turning yellow - blue and also around the right side muffler. I was also getting poor MPG's after the past set of mufflers (wild pig 1.75) that I am in the process of moving to the jackpots.

    The guide shows installing a 48 / 195. I guess I figured once taking the bowl off I would find the same but was surprised with the 45. Should I still go with the 48/195 or the 46/190 that was in the kit?

    I also picked up the V ductor and Idle mixture screw thing, figured I might as well do it all the way one time.

    Any advice?
  2. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    follow the directions in the kit, the kit maker has put a lot of R&D into this kit. for where you live a 48/195 sounds about right. I use a 48 in both mine and I live at 6,000 ft. Both mine are older kits and came with a different needle than the newer kits.
  3. 2002Eglide

    2002Eglide New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Southwest Florida
    I installed the kit today with the 48 pilot and 190 main. I was surprised to find the acc pump diagram coming apart. The diagram was shreaded and I am not sure how it could have been working, when I held it up to the light I could see day light through it.

    So, I took the bike out for a quick ride and adjust he ez adjust. I have the idle screw turned about 2 3/4 out. Plan on riding into work in the morning then check the plugs.

    Attached Files:

  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Yes with all the fuel additives nowadays it's not unusual for the accelerator pump diaphragm to rot and crumble. I stock them if you need one and it comes with replacement screws for the bottom cover.
    Accelerator Pump Diaphragm Kit - Carburetor Parts by CV Performance
    Otherwise local Harley dealers stock the diaphragm as p/n 27361-76A .
  5. 2002Eglide

    2002Eglide New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Southwest Florida
    Ken thanks, I ordered the rebuild kit with the Jet kit and V ductor to have everything I might need.

    Would the rotted diapragm caused the poor mileage I was get and the rich signs in the spark plugs? I was able to see light through the diagragm if I held it up to the light.
  6. 2002Eglide

    2002Eglide New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Southwest Florida
    Ok, went for a 200 mile ride today. New mufflers, CV kit, new acc pump diagram, spark plugs and wires installed. I also checked the tire preasure beofre leaving on my ride, The ran good but the MPG's still seem low. Todays ride was 2 up at highway speeds and got 39 MPG.

    I have the 48/190 jets installed and the set screw was out 2 1/8 turns out. When I stopped for gas I turned the set screw in an 1/8th bike still ran strong all the way home. I noticed that I have to turn the set screw out 4 turns before I feel the effects in the idle. Should I go with the 195 main jet?
    Also, I pulled the plugs when I got home and they were a light beige.

    I have a question on the set screw also. Does turning the set screw in lean the carb or richen it?

    Thanks for any help.
  7. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    the main jet has nothing to do with the idle. I'd leave it alone, if it were me I'd get the new N65C needle that CV Performance makes and try that. But that's JMO.
  8. 2002Eglide

    2002Eglide New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Southwest Florida
    What's the difference in the new needle (N65C) and the one that came with the kit. I was only getting 35 MPG before the kit and now went up to 39. I am open for anything and maybe 39 is the best I will get out of a bigger bike.
  9. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    The N65C needle is great for experimenting with various tuning but it may not improve mileage if at all.

    Regarding the mixture screw, that will only adjust the idle and off-idle response so the main jet should be good. You could try a 185 main jet if you think you are still rich but if not you risk running lean and hot at the high end. Take a look at your plugs and if they are showing signs of carbon I could get you a 185 main.

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