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CVP emulsion tube

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by motorcycle czar, Mar 5, 2010.

  1. motorcycle czar

    motorcycle czar New Member

    Mar 5, 2010
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    central PA
    I'm curious on how the CVP emulsion tube affects WOT AFR. I've got a couple of CV44 carbs, and both are showing a rich dip in AFR between 3k-4k which is affecting the torque line. I'm thinking that a different emulsion tube, or a modified emulsion tube should reduce the dip. It's a carb, so I know it's not going to be perfect but any little bit will improve the torque in that area. How does the CVP emulsion tube affect WOT opposed to the stock emulsion tube? does anyone have any WOT afr charts using the CVP emulsion tube that they can post?

  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Usually a rich dip in AFR at WOT is an indication of the main jet being too large. I've seen some dynojet tubes act overly rich but not necessarily under any particular circuit (idle, midrange, WOT).
  3. motorcycle czar

    motorcycle czar New Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    central PA
    thanks Ken. I think the issue I'm having is not main jet related:
    This a CV44 under wide open throttle.

    The blue circle area is main jet results, but the red circle area is what I'm concerned about. I know this is a typical signiture of a CV carb, but I'm going to try to work that dip out. I think I'm going try adjusting the holes in the emulsion tube, and work on float level. Have you made any adjustments to Cv's in these areas?

    I just received the CVP emulsion tube that I bought about a week ago, and it looks like the holes in the tube are the same height as the stock tubes. I was hoping that the height of the holes would be different than stock (so I could compare differences in how they affect afr). Are the hole diameters the same as stock?
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    WTF thats a monster dip! What size or style needle do you have installed? The slide needle could be opening too fast allowing the main jet to supply too much fuel early on. Has the slide been modified?
  5. motorcycle czar

    motorcycle czar New Member

    Mar 5, 2010
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    central PA
    yea, that's ugly huh? :D The previous afr was an M-needle with a 210 main using a DJ spring with an unmolested slide (no-drilling).

    Here's a chart with the basic out of the box set up for a CV44 (except the pilot is a 50):
    this chart is a stock spring, 220 main, and L-needle. No modifications to the slide were done.

    I'm actually thinking the slide may not be going up fast enough. If the slide isn't moving up fast enough, the velocity could be pulling the fuel in that area. Compare the two charts. The stock spring (which is stiffer) has a deeper dip, but it does head leaner at a faster rate. I'm wondering if the slide was lighter, whether the slide would go up faster (I don't want to drill the air hole).

    The CV44 needles from HD are all the same length. The only change from K thru N is each one is about 1 thou smaller than the previous with the exact same stepping points (taper). The K being the leanest, and N being the richest. I've looked for a longer needle for the CV44, but haven't found one yet.

    I'm going to change over to a newer style of head pipe with o2 sensor bungs, so I hope that I can play around with a WEGO to see what works and what doesn't. I think one of the things I'm going to try is adding or enlarging the holes at the top of the emulsion to to allow more air when the throttle is wacked. I'm also thinking about buying a spare CV44 slide, and polish some weight off of it to see what affect the weight of the slide has as well.

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