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CVP Harley Carb Deluxe Tuner Kit on Sportster

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by snatcherdog, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I installed a CVP Harley Carb Deluxe Tuner Kit for 2006 xl1200c sportster. Installed 46 pilot and 185 as recommended with aftermarket baffled slip on mufflers (screaming Eagles) and a K&N filter in the original airclear box, everthing else is stock. Carb initial setup was stock with the 42 and 180 jets. Engine running rough. I have tried many different idle mixture settings as outlined in the instructions. Turned EZ idle mixture screw almost all the way in, and reduced backfiring and runs a little smoother. Road test coming off of 50mph test at 3/4 throttle also induced backfiring. I am wondering if I should install the 45 and 180 jets and try to tune? Suggestions?
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Yes try to back down to the 45/180. Also, is your bike a factory 1200 or did it start life as a 883 and then upgraded to a 1200? The reason I ask is the heads on a factory 1200 between 2004-06 are different. If the heads originated from a 883 or pre-2004 1200 let me know as you'll need a different needle than what was in your kit.
  3. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yes the bike is an original 1200. Thank you Ken for the reply. Leaving town for a week and will try other jets when I get back. Will post results. Thanks again.
  4. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I installed 45/180 jets and same results. Runs very bad and will not idle. I pulled the choke and rpms increased over 3000 rpms and runs smoother. I plan to check for vacumn leaks tomarow. Any other suggestions?
  5. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    How many turns do you have the mixture screw (or EZ-Just) out? Idle is controlled by a combination of the pilot jet, idle mixture screw, and adequate fuel delivery. Also a vacuum leak will disrupt the idle by leaning out the mixture and increasing the enrichment (choke) to combat this is a common sign of this. Check the rubber boot where the carburetor slides onto the manifold, if this is pinched or if the carb does not seat all the way back into the boot a vacuum leak is likely.
  6. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I started the mixture screw out 1 3/4 turns and increased to 2 1/2 turns at 1/8th intervals. I replaced the spark plugs before firing this time around, they were a little fouled from previous jetting. The engine ran errratic and I could never get it idle on its own. I looked at the rubber boot and made sure I had proper fitting. I plan to check tthe boot and other areas with propane torch in the morning. The accelerator diaphram looked good when I re-jetted the first time. The float was never touched.
  7. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Removed carb and found the notorious carb rubber boot pinched and sliced inside the intake. I guess I overlooked the rubber boot. Put 46/185 jets back in and warmed up engine. I ajdusted idle and idle mixture screw. Test drove with some coughing through the carb and backfiring come off of high rpm's. Will continue to adjust and provide update later. WOW, what a difference already!
  8. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    When I install a CV Carb, I put a little vaseline or light grease on the inside edge of the boot and it slides right in :D and is easy to twist as needed to line everything up, helps seal it also.
  9. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Good advice. I've always used spark plug boot lubricant (die electric). Looks just like vaseline and is safe on both the boot and the carburetor bowl gasket. Also helps to keep the slide diaphragm in place when putting the cap back on. Most autoparts stores have little cellophane packets of this stuff at the counter and I always pick up a handful because this stuff is handy for holding all kinds of parts in place while doing various assemblies.
  10. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    That's a great tip, never thought of using that for the carb boot, makes scene now that you mention it.
  11. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Yep, I used dielectric grease when installed the carb boot, float bowl gasket and the top carb gasket.

    Reinstalled 45/180 jets. With the air cleaner off, I can see a good spray of gas when twisting the throttle (not running of course). Cleaned spark plugs that only have 50 miles on them.Checked for intake leaks with propane: no leaks. Warmed up and dialed in with ez adjust out 2 1/4 turns. Engine runs rough and sounds crackely when cold. Warmed up is much smoother, but seems somewhat hesitate like it is misfiring a little. Kinda of: tatata tatata. Motorcycle and engine only has only 985 original miles on it. Checked dtc codes through speedometer and all is clean and clear.

    I would like to note that when I installed the EZ screw I had the carb on the bench upside down and only the spring came out with the original ide mixture screw. I never looked into the the threaded chamber. I did remove the EZ screw one time when the carb was on the engine to check the EZ screw, and noticed the spring and washer on the screw. I did not see the o ring. I did not look into the threaded chamber.

    Has anyone heard of the o ring causing any problems? I am thinking that maybe the EZ screw was turned in too far and smashed the o ring up in the hole or could be damaged. I know that it never came out!

    I do not know where to go next. Maybe the float? Clogging in gas tank screen? Timing?

    Suggestion? Thanks in advance!
  12. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Here are a few other things you might try.

    1) Needle Jet (aka nozzle or collar). This part is the stainless steel nozzle that fits above the emulsion tube and protrudes into the throat, and the tip of the needle moves up and down inside it to regulate fuel. This part can fall out when the emulsion tube is removed. If it is missing or installed upside down it will throw off the idle and just off-idle performance. See picture attached.

    2) Clogged air passage. To verify all passages are clear in the idle circuit, remove the pilot jet and EZ-Just. Using an air hose with the typical rubber tip blow air into the mixture screw passage. You should be able to feel air coming out of the pilot screw passage and also one of the recessed holes on the front of the carb (front lower left to the accelerator pump nozzle).

    It is common for the mixture screw o-ring to jam inside but check inside using a light to see if the o-ring has turned sideways. If so it may not allow the mixture screw to screw in all the way. Also if the o-ring has been twisted or damaged it could be partially blocking the passage that comes in from one side. Best way to retrieve the o-ring is with a thin piece of wire with a slight hooked end. If you are able to get the o-ring out, then you can spray some carb cleaner into that hole followed by compressed air to fully clean out the air passages (step 1). Just watch your eyes! Air comes out in several directions and carb cleaner in your eye is painful (I know I've done it).

    3) Float level. Here is an example of checking the float level. Typically float level would impact more than just idle but thought I'd include it anyway.
  13. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    When I installed the new emulsion tube the carb was upside down on the bench and I did not remove the (aka nozzle or collar). I will check it. I will check the o ring and float level.

    I just tried the propane again and did not find anything. I then tried carb cleaner and I believe I have a small leak on the front jug intake minifold gasket. If local dealer has the the gaskets, I will replace them tomarow.

    I will update after I replace intake gaskets, check out carb, and tune.

    Thanks Ken! You are the best!
  14. snatcherdog

    snatcherdog New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Okay, Got it!
    The o ring was twisted up and stuck up in the idle mixture screw port. I replaced it. Put in the 46 and 185 jets and tuned. When I replaced it I put a little dielectric grease on it. Well that ended up seeping into the the passage way and causing a ristriction. I removed the idel mixture screw and cleaned every out with carb spray folled by compressed air.P ut in the 46 and 185 jets and tuned; engine ran good for about 20 miles and starting acting up. I again cleaeaned the passage way and pilot jet. I also drained all the the gas out of the fuel tank and cleaned the filter.The first time I did not clean up the idle mixture screw, washer and o ring. Bike is running great with about 2 1/8 turns out on the idle mixture screw.

    Thanks for all your help Ken, I am happy with my cv performance kit and really appreciate the support that comes with it!

    Thanks again and Ride On!,
  15. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Great to hear it Charlie, enjoy the ride!

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