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Cycle Shack Slip Ons

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by gyrene, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. gyrene

    gyrene New Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    North Carolina
    Good morning everyone.I'm the newest guy in here having just registered after finding the link off a Harley Tech site.
    My question is about my 1992 FLTCU (thats a Tour Glide.)
    I have some Cycle Shack Slip On mufflers I'm attempting to mount to the stock header pipes but they DO NOT FIT.
    It seems like the two pipes are both the same size or darn close.
    Shouldn't the slip ons fit inside the header?
    So I measured the o.d. of the slip ons and they are 1 11/16ths".
    And the measurement on the i.d. of the header is 1 9/16th"
    So WTF? is going on.
    Are these measurments down to the 16th of an inch?
    I thought I'd be dealing in 1/8ths or 1/4" like 1 3/4" or 1 5/8th not down to 16ths.
    Call me confused but I did think these would "slip on" if you know what I mean!
    Of course what the hell do I know? When you only put a set of pipes on once every fifteen years?(the last time I had to put a set of pipes on a bike there were no cell phones around! how's that for DINOSAUR?)
    Anyone have experience with this that they can set me straight?
    Thank you
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2009
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    welcome to the site , do you still have the big spacer on the end of your header pipes? if so get the saws-all & cut it off slip ons should go on , slip-ons are a tight fit (less leaks ) let us know
  3. gyrene

    gyrene New Member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    North Carolina
    O.K. thanks cowboy.I figured I'd have to measure twice and cut once.I'm reluctant to cut too close to the curve on the left pipe.I do have some adjustment room with the pipe hangers at the rear I suppose.Maybe a half inch I'd say so that may be enough to allow me to cut and not cause a leak.Of course I don't want the pipe sticking out too far at the rear and they HAVE to be the same length soooooo...I'm out there now squinting and sweating.
    Stay in touch.I'm not finished yet.
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    just a thought......take the slipon's to a muffler shop and have them expand them just a bit to slip on the headers, or go to harbor frieght and purchase a pipe expander for 10bucks and do it yourself.......have fun!!

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