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Da-Vinci Fire power kit

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by fxrsrules, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. fxrsrules

    fxrsrules New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Sacramento Ca.
    Howdy folks I'm back. I have a buddy that is thinking of installing a Da-Vinci fire power kit on his S+S super G. He has a super G on a 88 inch 2003. heads are flowed, has high compression pistons, cycle shack two into two pipes and a single fire ignition. It sounds like he is over carburated but this bike surprises lots of people. It is a little touchy to tune the accelrator pump so he does have a little hesitation. The carb leaks when he leaves his gas on so his needle jet needs replacing and sense we are at it and just happen to have a rebuild kit (purchased just for the needle jet) should we rebuild the carb or don't fix it because it ain't broke. Would this Da-vinci kit (or something like it) make a big difference in performance? along with a Super G on a 88"?
    Thanks for any replies.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    put one on a super G didn't notice any difference in the seat of my pants.

    Dyno might see it.

    FWIW, that G is too much carb, he's getting the off idle or low rpm stumble because the carb is way to big.

    THe G "might" give him 1 to 2 more overall HP.

    I would not fix up the G and I'd get a Super E carb and manifold ,

    Bet you the MPG, Torque and driveability of the bike kicks way up..

    BTW I've had both the E and G on a 95 that was over 12 to 1 comp and the E stuck right with the G hp for hp and it was much better on the street.

    I would add a Thunderjet to the E so you can tune it easier.
  3. fxrsrules

    fxrsrules New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Sacramento Ca.
    Thanks for the reply Hotroadking. I just needed a third opinion.
  4. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    I'm with HRK drop the G and go with the E till ya git up around 103 or 110 jmo

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