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Deuce suspension

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Derek02deuce, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. Derek02deuce

    Derek02deuce New Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    anyone on here with a deuce that has a good shock setup or lowering kit installed? im looking to improve the ride on my 02 a little and give it a dropped stance. be nice to run air ride but funds prohibit that! (but im workin all the o/t i can get to save up for the heartland kit!!) im also thinking of switching to a danny gray seat? and by the way.. to all that i have talked to on here so far or commented on my questions, thank you guys. im here to ask questions because i dont know. you have given me such positive feedback and i appreciate all of it! im glad i joined this forum! thanks to all of you again:D
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Lowered bike and improved ride generally don't go together well
    unless you like less suspension travel, which equates to a bit
    rougher ride.

    Like an SUV people come in to dealers wanting 25 inch rims
    and the tires have a 3 inch profile and they wonder why
    the SUV rides rough as an example.

    Progressive suspension makes very good shocks
    that bolt right on your softail and will improve the ride
    and they are adjustable, so you can jack them up to full
    height for longer or two up rides, and then let them down
    or slam it for bike night. It's a manual adjustment
    and it requires you to get on the floor but it does what you want

    call California Phil's Concordia, KS (785) 243-9991 and talk with Phil he
    gives discounts every day...

    They have front lowering kits too
    that requires removal of the forks, disassemble
    and replace seals, springs etc...

    When you slam it fully you will
    loose some cornering ability especially on the left
    so get a new kickstand and get rid of the stock one
    it can grab and it limits turning.

    You need one that bolts to the frame behind
    the primary, which looks cooler anyway.

    JMO progressive adjustables on the rear only.
  3. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
  4. Derek02deuce

    Derek02deuce New Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    ok.thanks hrk. i am going to pick up a set of the 422 series shocks

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