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Difference between Slide needle in Premium kit and N65C

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by kenn0117, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. kenn0117

    kenn0117 Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Just had my bike on the Dyno. A/F readings were better than expected but mid range starts to climb about 13:1 and rises to about 19:1, levels off and drops down t0 14:1 at WOT. My question is; would the N65 needle richen my A/F enough to hit the 13 -14:1 range? Thanks
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Something doesn't sound right for your A/F to be going that lean in the midrange. Is your slide drilled larger than the supplied bit (>7/64)? If the slide was drilled with a 1/8th or larger bit the slide is opening too fast. You can sometimes control that by using the longer stock spring but most times the only remedy is to replaced the slide.

    A N65C needle will be richer just off idle but leaner in the upper-middle of the circuit compared to the needle we have in the tuners kit.
  3. kenn0117

    kenn0117 Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Thanks for the reply. I used the 7/64 bit. The carb was rebuilt using all new parts, including a new slide. All fittings are new.....at the manifold. I don't think I have a leak there. I could, but doubt it due to how tight everything is. I'll try and upload a copy of the dyno report. The slide appears to function ok. Is it possible it's hanging up somehow? Bike runs great, despite A/F being high in midrange. Tried to upload dyno report, "file too large." A/F starts at 12, rising to 14-15:1 at 60 MPH. At 65 it's 16:1, at 75 mph it's 18-19:1, at 85 mph it's 15:1, at 95 mph it's 14:1.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi I resized and uploaded your dyno sheet. While I may be somewhat of an expert with carburetors this chart isn't clicking with me. I'm used to seeing dyno runs that show RPM (rather than MPH) and certainly never have an A/F spike this large. My experience tells me that a spike that large would definitely be felt and not go unnoticed as you indicated to me by email (said the bike runs strong, no hesitation). The chart lacks any significant dips in torque or HP coinciding with rise in air:fuel.

    As I recall "Run Type: RO" refers to a Roll On test so perhaps this is contributing to why this reading doesn't look right??? (I'll let other's who know chime in). Again, I'm not a dyno expert so I may be reading this completely wrong. I would prefer to see the A/F charted at either full throttle or a slightly less cruise RPM (preferred) as opposed to a roll on test. I would not start messing with the jetting until I understood what was going on with these numbers.

  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    What I find odd is that the HP/TQ curve has no change when you go lean at mid way.

    The MPH thing is a bit different, I'd like to see it printed out over RPM as well at least that's the way I've always looked at the charts, can you operator reprint it with TQ/HP on top of each other on one graph with AFR below and RPM as the bottom constant.

    The only thing I could think is happening is that the slide is popping up then not
    lifting properly in the mid range until the engine reaches a specific need of velocity/vac
    and can force it open, leaving the needle down in the main tube during that position and
    hurting fuel delivery... as the engine RPM picks up past a specific point the velocity is sufficient to raise the slide... allowing the fuel flow to increase in the upper rpm/mph range.

    That's just a wag though...

    Get a different slide and try it,
  6. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Ken (not me, the OP) contacted me and found there was a leak at the petcock vacuum hose. Problem appears to be solved.

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