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Direction of Oil flow - S&S oil pump

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by jonnypink, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. jonnypink

    jonnypink New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    What is the direction of oil flow through the ports on an S&S oil pump?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Not sure what you are asking here. If you are referring to a pre TC88 pump, there are actually two pumps in the housing. One is feed and the other is scavenge so one is returning oil and the other is feeding oil.... The other fitting is the vent to the tank.
  3. jonnypink

    jonnypink New Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    There is 1 oil line that runs into the engine, and 2 that run into the oil pump. From the lowest spot on the oil tank or the feed line, does that run into the right side port on the oil pump or the left side closest to the motor? I am not sure which oil pump this is as this was all in a box, but it looks to be an S&S. I know it is not original to the 60 Pan motor.
  4. tailhunter

    tailhunter New Member

    May 1, 2005
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    buy your discription it sounds like its basically the same as stock...rightside feed, leftside return, the one on top is vent to oil tank, one on bottom goes to breather

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