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Eldorado Kit Bike

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by maxpower_hd, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I am considering buying and building a Custom Chrome Eldorado kit bike over this coming winter. I was wondering if anyone out there has or knows anyone that has one with comments or complaints. I like the Revtech 100" as I know a few people that have them. It's the rest of the kit I was wondering about. I would like to hear from people that were not recommended by the ditributers since they are the ones selling the things and would not advertise complaints. Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Have a friend that build a CCI kit in his garage, painted it himself, did all the work in a few months at night, said everything was top notch, fitted right up and wasn't a pain to do, you do need to know something about building a bike there are videos and books available to get you up on the technique.

    From what he said it was a fun project.
  3. SkyKing

    SkyKing New Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Boise, ID
    I built an ElDorado CCI kit last winter. Thought it would take me up till riding season to finish. Less than 2 months start to finish with no previous bike building experience. Spent a lot of time with the Service and Parts manuals. Had to make a daily trip to hardware store for misc bolts and nuts(They sent a lot of bolts/nuts that were the wrong size or thread). Also had to do minor drilling and grinding. Toughest part of project was deciding if I needed to cut/grind/drill or did I just not know how something attached. Had big fun doing it. Would do another in a minute(If I had the funds). Did send the tin out for paint to an auto body shop that did a great candy paint job for about half what the cutom motorcycle painters wanted. Will give more details if wanted.
  4. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Thanks for the feedback SkyKing.

    I am seriously considering the kit for this winter or early spring. I would appreciate any details you can offer. I would like to know a couple of things. A friend of mine has a custom built Softail with the same drive train as the Eldorado kit that he purchased used. As a result he does not have any of the paper work. Does Custom Chrome give a detailed list of components used in the kit? For example, we had a hard time tracking down a primary belt because we did not know the manufacturer of the primary drive. We still don't know for sure but we think it is a BDL. We kept the tag off of the belt we finally located so it will be easier in the future. Do they offer some sort of manual for future repairs or do you just rely on the Harley manual? I would be interested in pictures too if you have any.

    Thanks again.
  5. Simalril

    Simalril New Member

    Aug 10, 2004
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    Thinking of a kit myself

    I've been thinking of building a kit instead of re-doing a vintage bike. I had an old scooter ('47 Knuck) as a kid, and I spent more time tinkering than riding, it seemed. ...Probably due to the fact that I couldn't afford to take it to a real wrench. I would like something with a modern clutch and a more dependable engine. I'd like to keep the appearance fairly traditional, though. Most of the kits (I like the simplicity of the first Hardcore) have joggles in the rear of the frame to accomodate a 200 series tire. I'm not sure I like the looks of it. Are there any complete kits out there with a standard frame? I've looked at the Pimp Daddy, but the reviews I've heard seems to indicate that assembly was pretty brutal and some of the parts weren't of the best quality.
  6. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Stock Style

    I agree with you Simalril. That is why I like the Eldorado. It was as close to a Stock Fatboy style I could find. It has a 180 series tire which isn't huge but wider than stock. The only one I've seen with a stock appearing rear tire was from Ultima. It's the Thunder Horse, stock Softail style, kit. You can check it out at www.ultimaproducts.com. The rest of the kit didn't appeal to me much though. You could still do a build through someone like custom chrome. It just won't come in a kit and will probably be a little more dough.

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