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Electrical/Charging Problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Quintrill, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. Quintrill

    Quintrill New Member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    First let me say that I'm new Harleys and I apologize in advance for the very long post and any ignorance or redundancy on my part.
    I have a '98 Dyna, recently purchased, with 2,500 mi, and a 3 month old Die-Hard ($120) battery. I rode about 60 mi. from home with no problems and as soon as I got off the highway I lost Tach/Speedo. Shut off engine shortly after and would not re-start...just clicking, dim lights, battery near dead. After several strenuous attempts across a flat parking lot got it bump started and rode about 7 mi. to the home of an aquaintance where I had to leave it and return to work in the morning. I did pull the battery and put it on low charge for about 8 hrs. It seems to have taken a charge, is showing around 12v when tested fresh off the charger (will check again when I get off work). I will have battery load tested before I go to attempt to retrieve the bike.
    I have read my shop manual and the troubleshooting guide on this wonderful site and will go through the troubleshooting steps when I get the bike back home. My question is, is this a familar problem to anyone, and any advice on how to proceed?
    Thanks very much for your patience and any advice would be appreciated.

    Steve in Missouri
  2. Retro_Rocket

    Retro_Rocket New Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    Strange thing we both had just about the same experience, I have the Honda VTX 1800 retro 2003 year and have just replace my battery for the same thing that occurred to me.
    I checked it with a multimeter after charging the battery to 100% and with the engine running I only get about 12.5 volts on the meter. I just posted about my problem on this forum.
    I've been told everything from water getting in the case causing the rectifier to fail, to checking the ground wires, which I have done and found them all to be secure and no corrosion.
  3. Leo

    Leo New Member

    Oct 4, 2004
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    On the front of your bike (near the oil filter) is a little square box with fins on it... That's youv voltage regulator. Most likely that's your problem. Take it off and have it checked, then buy a new one, bolt it on and plug it in. Should be better then. :)
  4. kidd

    kidd New Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    check your ground specialy next to the voltage reg. the problem I had was the battery was not charging properly because i lost my ground after i put a chrome cover on the voltage reg.

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