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Engine guards

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by AFNurse, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I have a 2004 E-Glide standard.....anyone know off hand the diameter of the Engine Guard/crash bars?? I need to get some highway pegs and have found that the clamps are sold in different sizes......need to get that darn shop manual.....any suggestions on that one also??!! Thanks!
  2. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas
    Service manual


    Did you ever get your Ness Big Sucker Air Cleaner installed?

    Sorry, don't know the diameter of your engine guard, but 30 seconds with a pair of calipers should give you the size. Or if you don't have access to calipers, measure the circumference of the bar and then divide that by 3.14 to get the diameter. If that doesn't work, get a large roll of duct tape :D

    As for the service manual, it appears that the manual for the touring models is about $58.00. If you can't get it from your dealer there in D, maybe you can have your hometown dealer in the US send it to you. If that fails, perhaps a kind soul on this site will take time to mail you one in exchange for $58 euros and a bratwurst.


    Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement ;)
  3. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Got the big sucker put on, didn't need to remap for that. Have a pair of Samson Rolled thunder slip ons coming (surface to Germany should take about 4-6 weeks... :( ) Got a power commander off ebay, not the usb, but the IIIr, still have to put it on and try it out.... Don't have a calipers....the only pair of those I have is with my hand reloading stuff that I had to leave in the states. I will try the measure/math thing and see if that works! Have you ever heard of Clamer ( or some such thing)? Ive heard that they put out a decent manual for those of us without a mechanical background. Heard that the factory service manual is "difficult to work with" unless already or nearly a mechanic. Thanks for your help!
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Clymer vs. OE

    Unless you are too short of funds go the OE manual route. The Clymers cover a range of years and models and often skip important differences and are nowhere as technically complete as an OE manual.

    The OE manuals are not hard to work with at all. You just have to familiarize yourself with them. Pretty much an industry standard format. Another great tool is the parts manual it helps illustrate what a service manual may be describing but no illustration break down is given. If you get both of these and take the time to get familiar with them and BEFORE doing a job read and then read it again and follow the job step by step you will find out most jobs are easier than you think. :confused:
  5. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas
    Clymer manuals

    I agree with CD - get the H-D manual, it's much easier and more detailed than the Clymers. I've used the Clymer manuals in the past for some of my cars, and they tend to be a one size fits all manual that never has the photo or illustration for your model.
    I've been impressed with the layout of the HD manual and ease of use, but make sure you follow CD's advice and read it through before you start a project, that way you'll know what tools, parts, torque values etc. are required and what to expect.
    Can you get the HD service manual through your local Harley Deutschland dealer?


    The only time you have too much fuel, is when you're on fire :eek:
  6. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Well, looks like I may now be in the market for a shop manual and possibly a parts manual to boot! I KNOW the German shops sell manuals, only think I haven't checked on yet is if they sell them in English.....sorta one of those pre reqs for me!! :rolleyes: I hope at some time to do most of my own work, but with my limited time and excessive LACK of mechanical skills.......I am learning......did change the switch covers and switch housings from stock to chrome! Looks good, but what a pain!! so much for the "estimated 1 hour installation time"......took 3 hours!! :mad: Hopefully, the slipons and the power commander go on easier!! By the way, anyone know if using zero setting is a problem with a ness big sucker and all else is stock?? I'll use the samson rolled thunder/stock ecm/screeming eagle download when I change pipes...... :confused:

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