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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by toddl, Jan 26, 2005.

  1. toddl

    toddl New Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    hi guys i have 03 low rider right now iam changing a few things appearnce wise on the bike next i would like to work on the motor should i go with 95 in.hop up kit from one of the big names in the business or is there any other options i would like more midrange power i usually ride aruond 3000 rpm i see a lot of these prducts saying great top end 5500 6000 rpm rarley would i be in that range i will speak to my mech. just thought anyone here might know somethings so i could bring certain ideas to the shop where i have work done thanks any info would be apprieciated
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    More Power

    Well, More cubic inches = More power. There is an old saying that we have all heard at less ONCE before. "There is no replacement for displacement" or " How fast can you afford to go" Have fun.
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    The first thing to do is to establish a buget and stick with it. Once you have the budget, you can decide what direction to go in.

    Engines really are just air pumps and when you hop one up the idea is to accomplish two primary goals.

    First you maximize the pumps capacity either by increasing displacement (most effective) or by using a performance cam shaft that maximizes the existing displacements capacity. Ideally, you want to do both as you will get better results.

    Second, you want to maximize the velocity of the air flow with in the desired working RPM range of the engine. The air cleaner, Carburetor or throttle body if EFI, the heads and the exhaust are all part of the equation.

    The desired result is to get the maximum air flow through the engine with nothing interfering or reducing or slowing the flow if possible.

    Your budget is what limits you of course. If you go with a 95" SE kit, flat top pistons, good cam like the TW37 and good exhaust and intake you can get to the 90's for torque. Some headwork like Short Block Charlies or SE, Edelbrock, Branch etc heads will give you some additional boost.

    The key is the budget and buying parts that work together.
  4. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    If you have the budget and fuel injection...I'd look into Edelbrocks set ups....They have taken all the guesswork about what works with what out of the equation by doing the testing for you. Bolt it together and they have a CD they send with that has their perfected ignition curves mapped for nearly every popular aftermarket pipe going...with more coming all the time...and if you need a new map I hear they are free for life when you buy their kits.

    All that said....you can find similar performance for less money...but you really have to do your homework or you can get burned.

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