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EVO Engine noise question

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Tomflhrci98, May 16, 2007.

  1. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    I had my EVO rebuilt back in October. It runs strong now and really great at highway speeds. However, I have been keeping an eye on things as I put on miles and it has always had this rattle sound that I just can't figure out.

    There is this rattle sound on deceleration only (throttle closed). I don't have a tach but it is obvious 30 mph and 3rd gear (in that RPM range). I had a mechanic listen to it and he thought is sounded like the pushrods hitting the tubes from possibly loose valve adjustment. So I brought it home and readjusted the push rods. They are RevTec aluminum rods, 36 threads per inch. To get .100 inch setting I turn the rods 3.6 turns or 22 flats. I made sure I was doing it right, also, waited 5 minutes everytime I turned them 1 full turn etc.etc.

    Anyway the noise did not go away and the adjustment didn't seem to be out when I took it apart. I was counting turns as I loosened them.

    The only thing I can ask is if anyone else has had this kind of noise with aluminum adjustable push rods. Also, the heads where shaved so that might change the geometry or angle of the push rods slightly.

    Any feedback on this kind of noise is appreciated. I do my best to ignore other valve train noises but this one is different.

  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    you seem to have it pinpointed at the valvetrain pushrods. never heard of alum. rods emitting any noise. just gonna take a stab in the dark here....i wonder, upon deceleration, if a lifter is losing a bit of oil and loosening up a bit...if you can pinpoint which pushrod it is, you could change lifters around and see if the noise moves.....as i said, just a thought. also, i have never used alum. rods, only steel ones....alum. is not my favorite metal when it comes to hi stress, and vibration.....
  3. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    So chucktx...since you don't like aluminum for high stress and vibration, I have a question. Do you fly on commercial airlines?? :confused: Sorry for being a wise a**, but just couldn't help myself. :roflmao: :roflmao:

    Think I'm still trying to justify my new Mustang seat:eek:
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    the only way an airplane is gonna hurt me is if it falls on me!!!!!!!!!;) :D
  5. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Like Chuck mentioned, I would try switching lifters with each other and even the pushrods. If the noise changes you have isolated the problem. If this doesn't alter the noise in any way I'd start looking in the top end.

    Sometimes its near impossible to find a noise source while on the road. Noises that seem like they are coming from one place turn out to be from somewhere completely different. One thing that has worked for me is to put the motorcycle on a lift where the rear wheel is off the ground. Run the bike in gear and listen for the noise. This is easier with a buddy to help. Just be careful that your bike is secure and safe before attempting this. The noise will be far worse if your bike falls :(
  6. madcatter

    madcatter New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    if the rods are adjusted properly and the sound is only better emitted at this rpm range it maybe the lifter/tappet for that valve.i dont think a lifter is to price maybe 60 bucks but it will take a few hours to change out.if it is the lifter i would change them all out
  7. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    My brother in law just bought new lifters for his RK. They were $64.00 a set per jug, so $128.00 for all four. Best part was that when he went in to the steeler to get them, their computers were down. They writing all sales by hand on order pads and they only charged him for one set. :D :D
  8. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    no wonder my electra glied costs so much!!!;) :D
  9. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    You can get it to make the noise at idle with small throttle changes. again it is on the deceleration and only at one RPM. It is a lot more noticeable on the road like I said 30 mph in 3rd, or I will do what Ken said and put the rear wheel up. I have one of those Slick front wheel holders that keeps the bike upright. That was money well spent on that thing.

    Thanks for all the input from everyone. I will try to get an indy to listen to it one more time, since I eliminated the valve adjustment as a possibility. Then I will go for new lifters.

    BTW the aluminum push rods are for high revving. They are lighter, of course, but they are thicker for strength so they won't fall out of the sky:D

    I should not have gotten them since I don't have a race motor. But I am a fool with not much money left.

    Thanks all.

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