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Evo with CV stage 1 jet kit

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by NorthGeorgiaHog, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. NorthGeorgiaHog

    NorthGeorgiaHog New Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I have a 1995 FLHTP Evo Police bike that I bought a couple of yeara ago. I bought and installed the Deluxe carb kit last year, and the results were quite good. Sure glad I got the EZJust - beats a screwdriver hands down! Highly recommended!

    At the time I installed the CV carb kit, the bike had long open pipes and an Arlen Ness Big Sucker, but the bike just seemed to be running too lean. Your kit fixed that problem, and the exhaust note was noticeably "richer" sounding, and the bike seemed more responsive. The pilot jet had been a 42, and the main jet had been a 165, before the rejetting. I took the carb to a 45 pilot and 175 main (or maybe a 170 main... I can't remember!)

    Eventually, I got tired of the really loud ringing from the open pipes, and I had read on your forum that open pipes decrease low end and midrange power. So, I bought a set of V&H Oval slipons, and the bike ran better (and quieter). Then I decided to go "all the way" and installed the V&H Dresser Duals to eliminate the factory headers crossover circuit. I know there are different schools of thought on true duals, but the bike ran MUCH smoother at idle, and seemed more peppy with the Dresser Duals than it did with the stock headers. I also noticed that there was a set of torque cones in the stock headers, so I moved them to the Dresser Duals when I installed them. I don't know if they are making much of a difference with the full V&H duals/ovals setup, though.

    When I pulled the cold plugs this morning, the front one looked OK - nice brownish-white color - but the rear one was wet-looking and completely black. At first look, it appeared to be oil, but it turned out to be unburned gas (if it smells like gas and evaporates like gas, then it's gas, right?) It struck me as odd to have the plug from the front cylinder seemingly "perfect", but the rear plug looking like it's running way too rich. Since this is a 1340 Evo, I have had the EZJust set at 2 3/4 to 3 turns out, but that seems to be too rich. I'm playing around with it, and now have it set back to 2 1/2 turns, and I'm going to run with it like that for the next several hundred miles.

    Now here's the kicker... I just installed a Kuryakyn Hypercharger Pro - mainly because I had installed a K Pro-R on my wife's Yammie V-Star 1100, and I just WASN'T going to put one on hers without putting one on my Hog too! I went with the Pro instead of the Pro-R on my Hog simply because the billet lines on it match my bike's looks much better than the Pro-R's additional scoop would have. Kuryakyn states that the Pro can serve engines up to 110 HP anyway, and my trustly old Evo is WELL below that! I haven't run the bike with the Pro yet, but I'm going to today. I'm hoping it helps.

    Anyway, since the Pro is supposed to breath so much better, I am wondering what the right pilot jet setting is going to turn out to be with this setup. For some reason, it's really difficult on my bike to tell when the engine starts sputtering at idle, because it really doesn't sputter at all until I've turned the screw WAY in. I can turn the screw in over a full turn without any significant, or really even noticeable, difference in the engine idle or throttle response.

    Any suggestions to get my idle mixture optimized? Thanks!
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    You may find that the increased flow from the hypercharger leans out your mixture just enough to bring you back into the perfect ratio. I would first run the bike with the new setup before making any adjustment. Leave the jetting alone for now and make gradual adjustments to the EZ-Just as needed if you get any coughing off idle. Use a new set of plugs and recheck after a few hundred miles.
  3. NorthGeorgiaHog

    NorthGeorgiaHog New Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Thanks, Today's ride

    I rode it about 100 miles today, fairly hard a good part of the way. I don't have any extra plugs, so I haven't done that yet. It doesn't sputter at all off idle until I crank the pilot jet in to only about 1 turn out. That still seems weird.

    I currently have it set to 2 1/2 turns out, and it seems to run well, but doesn't pull very strongly on the low end (<2500 RPM). I have to get the motor up to about 3000 RPM before it starts really pulling strong. I'm thinking maybe it's actually too rich on the low end. After it cools down, I'll pull the plugs and see what they show.

    Thanks for your reply.

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