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Exhaust Suggestions for 2005 XL883

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by subcool883, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. subcool883

    subcool883 New Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    Hi folks. I just picked up a new XL883 and I am having a hard time deciding on decent pipes or extensions to give it some HP and mostly sound better :)

    Any suggestions?

  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Congratulations subcool, there are MANY exhaust systems out there that perform well. What it really boils down to is, how much are you willing to spend, and what style you like. IMO, Cycle shack are probably the best bang for the buck. I bought a new 1200 sporty in 1990 and put pythons-II’s on it and really liked them. They have python-III’s out now (still a good pipe) I personally run an Supertrapp exhaust now days, there totally tunable, loud or not-so-loud, your choice. You also have to know that if you really want an open exhaust you will have to rejet the carburetor and modify the air intake.(filter) Just food for thought, first decide what you want to spend and go from there, because you can spend a thousand bucks on pipes and that’s only the beginning. Good Luck.
  3. subcool883

    subcool883 New Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    Thanks for replying

    I have been looking at the Hooker slash cut drag pipes and also a set of customs. Both are around 600 and a little over my budget but I think nice pipes are important.

    I will be dyna jetting the carb and adding this intake.

    I worry about leg placement though?

    Why wouldn't I just add slip ons and take advantage of stock heat shields etc?

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2005
  4. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Yes sir, lots of folks just put on free-flowing slip-on's, and it is less expensive and a little louder, if that's what you want. :D Please do yourself a favor and stay away from the drag-pipes, as you will only make useable power above 4000 RPM's. Have fun.

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