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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Goose, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Rita's her name. Round and round she goes and where she stops, nobody knows. But, it ain't lookin' good at this point for the home team. If it goes into the Freeport/Galveston area we'll be on the clean side of it. Hope it don't get too big, but the gulf is HOT. Be prepared to fork it over, too, at the gas pump boys, cause if there's ever a spot with MORE refineries than New Orleans, it's Houston/Galveston.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Enough ready! We get the point----kill the tropics

    Goose, you are just full of good news eh? There are two Rita and now Phillippe and another low pressure area....:(

    Rita might be a cat 4-5 before even getting to landfall. We need this like we need a hole in the head. :eek:

    Goose, you got a place to go just in case? It's way's away but the door is always open.:)
  3. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    If it's big enough, I might have to. :rolleyes: I figure to run up to around Canyon Lake, or dodge either direction. We'll be in the van with a generator and camping gear. We can homestead a camp ground for a few days if need be or out in the middle of nowhere for that matter. Might be a good time to find some bird hunting inland, LOL. Hope the little suckers don't have a 100 mph tail wind. :eek:

    Right now looks like we might be on the "good" side, but can't really tell yet. If it hits Galveston, that's about the worst place on the coast. But, we ain't a bunch of dumb cajuns down here. We'll get the heck out! :D

    Better shaddup. Ol' lady is quarter cajun. :eek:
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    hehehehe.......im up near livingston.......so far we have been far enough inland to weather the storms.......hope our luck holds out......got a bit of room here also......
  5. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    Right now, it's looking like from the models that it's more likely to go north toward Galveston/Freeport. We'd be on the "clean" side of the storm in that senario. Corpus would put us on the dirty side. Port O'Conner is, well, bullseye. :(
  6. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    hope the good luck is with all you guys down there...been a tough stretch.
  7. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Gee Goose I feel for you. Get the heck out of there for sure. Door is open here in Oregon to if you need us.

  8. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Geez..hope Rita's a party pooper and just frizzles.

    Gas prices have been dropping daily here in Las Vegas..$2.80 a gallon. We're supplied from California, so Katrina never really upped the price like it did in the mid-west and east coast.

    You're always welcome in Las Vegas Goose. At least unemployment is below 4% here.
  9. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Looks like we're dead center ground zero by the predictions this morning. The longer this high pressure stays over us, the further south it hits. Even if it hits Corpus, we'll get the dirty side of it. So, it's beginning to look like a road trip.
  10. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Maybe it'll head south into a non-populated Mexican territory. Definitely looks to get to a Cat 3 or higher though. It seems to be squirtin right between Florida and Cuba without too much damage so far.
  11. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Home if you need it

    Don't forget San Antonio..... if you want to camp, I know of a camp ground only 6-8 miles from the house (my folks stayed at it while helping the fam move in)....if you want a real bed, let us know....we have an extra bedroom... Keep us in mind if you need it...you have the phone number! My wife would prefere a call ahead if you are headed to us!! ;)
  12. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    Thanks, dude. Hate to meet this way, but it might happen. I'm kinda thinkin' of heading up toward College Station being as I'm an Aggie. It might be a little crowded at the Dixie Chicken what with all the evacuees since that's a designated destinatioin according to the news guys, but Lake Somerville has camping and I have a lot of friends up there.

    I watched Accuweather on Fox a bit ago. Accuweather is erie accurate, was with Katrina and the storms last year. They apparently have the best modeling program in the business. They're saying GALVESTON and at the most fifty miles south which would be where I grew up at Freeport. That would put it north up the coast from us and mean we'd be on the clean side. God, I hope so! Nothing against Galveston, but we had ours already, if a cat two counts.

    One of the Houston stations is saying Corpus, but whadda they know? The accuweather guys were insistant on Galveston, so that's a bit of good knews to me. Gotta try to search for the silver lining, ya know. :D

    I will call you if we don't have power or cable when I get back and let you know how we've fared. That way, you can put it up here to relay the message. If I'm homeless at that point, first call goes to the friggin' insurance company, though. :D
  13. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    no prob

    No problem! Talked with the wife, she has no issues. The campground that I know of worked for my folks popup camper...outside the 1604 loop on the west side, so not AS likely to fill up with the inland bound rush.... :eek: Also, the campground is within something like 5-10 miles of a wal-mart and a HEB grocery store. Keep me in mind if you find other locations are too crazy full! :rolleyes:
  14. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Well, we leave tomorrow. Figure to go west of SA and look for a cheap motel or camp ground. Wanna stay near TV stations to camp, anyway. I figure I'll get back quicker staying out of the path of the thing.

    I went and bought batteries and a stopper to plug the tub so I can fill it for water before we leave in case the house is still here when I get back. I'll stop and buy bottled water on the way back, too. Everyone in town is getting ready and getting out. It's the talk everywhere I went today. A manditory evacuation is ordered for Calhoun county effective immediately. Still a lot of traffic in town. Gas is getting sold out. I filled up yesterday.

    You can keep abreast of what's going on at http://www.victoriaadvocate.com for this area. The Port Lavaca paper is worthless, LOL. Right now, models have it hitting very hear us to the north. We'll likely get the eye wall or very close it's looking like.

    All I have left to load is this computer tower and my generator. I'm going to go load the generator in a few minutes. Might not be around here for a while until I can get power. If the house is gone, well, it might take a little longer.
  15. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......

    can't get cheaper then free.....offer is still open at the house. (has TV and cable as long as SA keeps power! :D ) Can understand if you want to go further west tho, looks like SA may be a little bit windy and my guess would be a bit damp also! :rolleyes: Let me know if you need anything!
  16. Bobcat

    Bobcat New Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Pima, AZ

    Goose, AFNurse,
    I know you've got a "plan" but you both and the families are welcome here in SE Arizona. We may not stay dry but we are above sea level. :D
    I live on 4 acres and I know we can work something out. Don't take any chances, get OUT, please.
    Keep my phone number with you. If you don't have it give me an e-mail at bobcat@isp.com and I'll send it to you.
    What ever you do PLEASE take care.
    God Bless and protect you all.
  17. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    We'll be safe on the west side of SA, Bobcat. Thanks for the thoughts. We'll be well inland.

    Probably intended to scare people into leaving, but actually makes since, but my wife went to church tonight. Minister says city officials asked everyone who wishes to stay to write their social security number on their skin somewhere to aid in identification.

    See ya tomorrow, AFNurse! I'm gettin' outta here in the morning for sure. Hope 87 to SA isn't too backed up. Most of town is a ghost town now, most left this afternoon, I guess. It's erie out there. A car passes the house ever once in a while. It's a major road into town. Worse than that, it's a main route to the Walmart! :eek: :D Signs of doom.
  18. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Thanks Bobcat!

    Hey Bobcat, Thanks for the offer! Appriciate the thoughts. I am about 210 miles inland from Houston, so will see some wind and water, but not going to worry about the house floating into the ocean (also helps that SA isn't bulit 12 feet below sea level).

    Goose, Look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Wish it were on better terms, but..... Good luck with all that you are leaving! HOPEFULLY this thing simmers down a bit before hitting the coast, and maybe goes NORTH of you.....LOTS! everything still seems to be projected, so still sorta iffy... :confused: My wife knows you will be coming, so call her for specific directions to the house. Call when near the 1604/I90W interchange (1604 also known as "Anderson Loop" so take that exit. She can tell you which route to take to the house. Sea World is almost in my back yard, so worst case, pull up to their gate, call her, she can come get you!!! :D See you tomorrow!
  19. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    good luck guys...be careful out there
  20. CD

    CD Guest

    AFNurse, keep us posted on Goose and you..

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