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Figuring out how to tune EFI with PC

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by CD, Jun 19, 2006.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    When you are on a trip or are tuning and want to make changes to the PC and do not have a dyno available you can still make accurate changes in the tables.

    Place a strip of masking tape along the inside of the switch housing close to the throttle.

    Place a small strip of tape along the throttle next to the other strip.

    Hook up you PC to a lap top or desk top and load the software.

    Set the percent of throttle to 0 (idle).

    Make a mark on the tape on the switch housing indicating 0 and a pointer on the throttle aligned with it.

    Open the throttle marking the housing at 10% intervals. The pointer you made on the throttle is the reference mark.

    Check your settings and shut the ignition off.

    If you have a tach, you are all set.

    Go for a ride and note where you are having pinging or hesitation etc. Make a mental note of the throttle and the RPM setting where the problem is. Then, adjust the fuel and if needed the timing of the cell range for that RPM and throttle position.

    You can also increase mileage by noting the cruise throttle position and RPM and lean it out until you stumble, ping etc and then raise it back up.

    Don't forget to make a copy of the map before starting and for each revision.

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