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Finally This is how it's supposed to be

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Hot01, May 27, 2008.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    After suffering through that cursed winter, things are finally looking up. I got moved in to my new apartment two Saturdays ago. I just got Internet yesterday. I ended up in a different one because the one I was supposed to get wasn't going to be ready for another two weeks, and who knows if it's even going to be ready then. This is a much bigger place. I love it. The garage I'm getting is about 6 feet wider than the original garage too. Right now my bike is still in the temporary garage, but at least it's in the same complex. I feel so much better living in the same place as my motorcycle again.
    The job is going much better too. I had to go back to the mountains last Friday and it was snowing! They said on the news that it was snowing yesterday. Unbelievable.

    I had a short ride in Saturday, in between some bouts of unpacking. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I'm close to this cluster of mountains that are called the Flatirons. I wanted to get up close, so I just headed towards them and tried to find my way as best I could. I got right up to them and the road ended. Oh well. I'll have plenty more time to explore. The cool thing about riding here is that it's really hard to get lost. The mountains are always to the west, and you can pretty much always see them. So if you've been riding with the mountains on your left most of the time, to get back home you keep them on the right. Of course if you get too far east you're kinda screwed, but that's what road signs are for.

    On Sunday I took a longer ride. I went straight into the mountains to Nederland. There's still a lot of snow up there and it got chilly quickly, but I brought extra layers just in case. There were some great twisties - 10 and 15 MPH - and the road in the turns was banked perfectly. Heaven. There were lots of bikes out. I was supposed to meet some friends at this place in the foothills south of Loveland. I got lost for a little bit, but again I could tell by the landscape that I needed to start heading west and I found it.

    I was so happy to be out riding all day by myself knowing that I would be taking my bike home and sleeping nearby. Not only has it been a tough winter weather-wise, but I've been separated from my best friend the whole time. Everything is as it should be now. :D
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    that is great to hear!!!! glad things are going so well for you.....and having your best friend near is even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

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