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FS: 1986 FXRS Lowrider Sport Edition - OEM

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Buy, Sell, Trade or Wanted' started by tlmitchell, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. tlmitchell

    tlmitchell New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Southington, OH
    Man, I hate thinking about selling this bike, it's a sweet ride and in top shape. However, I don't ride it much as I prefer my dresser for daily use and it's a shame to have the money tied up in something that isn't getting used.

    This 1986 FXRS is the Lowrider Sport Edition, what the MoCo called a "high performance" option in '86 before some subtle changes and the -SP designation is '87.

    I first saw this bike 6 years years ago, it had been in storage for 12+ years with 6000 miles on it. The previous 2 owners obviously rode it less than I do. Unmodified and unmolested, this bike might be as original as anything you'll find outside of a museum. It now has 13,000 miles and it's been gone over from end to end replacing everything necessary to make it reliable with a few current upgrades.

    All gaskets have been replaced as well as a lot of "while I'm in there" things. Upgraded to 32 amp stator, replaced voltage regulator, lifters, inner cam bearing, valvetrain cleanup, good rubber, electrical connections cleaned up, any suspect relays replaced.... anything I could find or think of all while retaining it's near-OEM state. Pretty tough to find an unaltered FXR... you won't find one nicer than this!

    If interested e-mail for more recent pics and a detailed history including everything that was done to it while I owned it. Available for inspection in NE Ohio.

    Some of the dealers around here seem to think this bike ought to go for over $8,000 and I've seen a few not nearly as nice sell on eBay for $8300 - $8500 recently. I'm asking $7500.

    Thanks for looking.... TL

  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    i have sent this to a friend.......
  3. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    Nice ride, Great price.
    I had a 1985 FXSB LowRider, Evo 4 speed with kick and electric starter, not rubber mounted either, was a real buss saw.
  4. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    nice......wished I lived closer..had a '90 sp.....still my fave, the E-G I have now is a really good bike but a FXRS...mmmmm
  5. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Man that's a real clean looking S G :cool:

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