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FS: Rigid Leather Locking Saddlebags

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Buy, Sell, Trade or Wanted' started by FH883, Sep 10, 2018.

  1. FH883

    FH883 New Member

    Sep 6, 2018
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    IMG_2447.jpg IMG_2449.jpg IMG_2448.jpg IMG_2450.jpg
    Right side bag has a few small tears from catching my work boot on it. Other than that, all good and ready to go. Mounting hardware not included, but i do have the keys. Came with bike when I bought it and was super convenient at time, but not my style.

    Brand new these bags are $730. Im asking $450 or b/o.

    Fits ’04-later XL models (except XL1200CX, XL1200T, XL1200V and International (non-Canadian) XL883N, XL1200N or XL1200X). Domestic XL883N, XL1200N and XL1200X models require License Plate/Directional Relocation Kit P/N 73279-10. ’11-later XL1200C models require Directional Relocation Kit P/N 67800071 (Domestic) or 67800077 (International). All other models require separate purchase of Turn Signal Relocation Kit P/N 68732-02A (Domestic), 68733-02A (International) or Layback License Plate Kit P/N 60215-06. Models equipped with H-D® Detachables™ accessories require separate purchase of Docking Hardware Kit P/N 53544-04 (if not already equipped). Does not fit with Rear Axle Covers or Bobtail Fender.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2018

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