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fuel injected??

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by fittykick, May 12, 2005.

  1. fittykick

    fittykick New Member

    May 12, 2005
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    Is there a huge difference between the new Harleys that are fuel injected vs. carburater? My 2004 Electra Glide seems to "cough" alot when I get out of the throttle and then get back into it. Like in traffic when you slow down and then accelerate again, I always have a skip before she takes off. The bike is all stock. I'm thinking of trading in on a fuel injected to get rid of this problem. Any suggestions on how to fix it or is this normal (just deal with it) Thanks.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Well, EFI is the future but it is not yet like your car or truck EFI systems. The computers are like comparing an old AT286 to a new the Pentium 4 3.2ghz. Most do not have oxygen sensors and are open loop. Tuning is more expensive initially but, with a Dyno you can get a spot on MAP.

    The carbed bikes are simpler to jet, less expensive to setup but, can be difficult to get right sometimes.

    From the factory both EFI and carbed are lean city and need to be tweaked. You bike has typical lean pop and with a few simple adjustments can run a lot better. By adjusting the idle mixture and ***perhaps*** shimming the needle you would be surprised at how well it can run stock.

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