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FXR with wide open pipe

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by grail21, May 7, 2013.

  1. grail21

    grail21 New Member

    May 7, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hey guys
    I sent you a message via email and facebook, but hadn't heard back so I figured I'd try here.

    I was looking at picking up one of your tuner kits but had a couple questions. I'd be using the kit on my 1993 FXR. To my knowledge the carb is stock internally (I haven't opened it up yet), but I've built a custom 2-into-1 exhaust (using a cored out ducati muffler, see pics) and it's also using a small mooneyes aftermarket air cleaner. I'm pretty sure the motor is stock (again, haven't opened it up and don't plan to) and it ran pretty well when it was running (it had the stock HD aircleaner and screaming eagle slash cut pipes on it before I started modifying it). My biggest concern is getting the jetting right with the custom exhaust. I'm guessing switching over to the 2-into-1 and the completely open muffler is going to cause a need for rejetting, I'm just not sure what sizes jets I'll need. To be clear, the exhaust doesn't have any baffling in it (I realize I may need to change that), the headers dump into an empty muffler. I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction regarding jets to order with the kit and tuning so I can get it set up right. See the pic below to get a better understanding of the exhaust. Look forward to hearing back from you and ordering your product.


    Attached Files:

  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi Grail, email didn't make it through to us but perhaps the image was too big and caused this to be filtered.

    I can't really make any exact recommendation based on that custom exhaust but rather the engine size. Based on a 1340 Evo engine with free flowing exhaust and intake the range of jetting is going to be from 45-46 on the pilot jet and 180-185 on the main jet. This would be the typical recommendation when using our kit. If not using a CVP kit or using only jets a 45/180 is a good starting point, and if looking for general jetting advice beyond our kit I suggest posting in the Tech Talk section.

    The open exhaust may cause problems since without baffles or tuned head pipes the results could vary widely. Looking at the head pipes in that picture I suspect the engine is running lean based on the bluing.
  3. grail21

    grail21 New Member

    May 7, 2013
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    Hi Ken
    Thanks for the quick answer. Just placed my order for the premium kit along with a few other parts (including some extra jets, just in case).
    The bike is not running right now and hasn't with the new exhaust and air cleaner, so it's a little trial and error. I'm guessing I will have to do something about the lack of baffling/back pressure, but that will be easier to figure out once I can actually start it.
    Thanks again for the quick response.

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