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Gas 5.00 a Gallon

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    If we think economy is going back to 5.00 a Gallon is high enough.

    why not just quit making it. I won't be afford to buy it or hardly ride my bike.

    Why not move the Oil company that needs it this high to make a profit out of the United States.....:banghead:
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    because at $500 a gal the gov gets it share in taxes & then your pres can say he's doing good & passes it down the all who don't have jobs & you'll have to slow down your bike speed to get better MPG , just so you can ride
  3. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I was gonna send probaly a few thousand dollars into the ecomomy.
    Had a boner to do another build on my bike. Now that I'm hearing that within 2 yrs gas will be 5.00 a gallon. I don't think I will spend it.

    Know this is gonna be kinda Hard for Ya. But think back a couple years ago.
    The Oil companies couldn't make a profit without the gas being 5.00 a gallon.
    We went and done a job for some guys that went out in the gulf and cemented up some wells for Chevron cause they said they wasn't gonna pump oil with it 2.50 a gallon.

    That's when everybody started loosing their houses and jobs and the stock market fell.
    People quit buying automobiles and everything or spending money. Gas took most of it.
    How did the oil companies come from over 5.00 a gallon back down to 2.38 a gallon out of no where. And how did we keep pumpin oil out of the ground.

    Want to start it all over again.
    Ecomomy isn't out of the hole yet. I've heard 3-4 yrs to recover from last time Gas was 5.00 a gallon. Were billions in dept.
    And they are talkin this.
    And the answer is battery operated cars. That is about 10 yrs away.

    Friggin git real. Ever priced a set of batteries to go i a battery car when they go bad ?
    Yer lookin at 3000.00 and up.
    And what about desposing of them ?
    And where's all the extra electricity gonna come from to charge them.
    Yer gonna have to have charging terminals every so many miles.
    What is this gonna cost to charge yer battery.
    A golf cart is small time in the electrical world.
    A gas golt cart is 1/2 the time wasted to keep a golf cart up.

    Git real. GAs 5.00 a gallon. And were just gonna sit back again and take it.

    We might as well go into a depression and see how many people we can git out of the white house and how many oil companies we can control.

    The rate were going our goverment and the oil companies are rapin us.:gah:
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Gas is over $9 a gallon in Europe.
  5. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I don't care what it is but anywhere buy here, and when I drive up to the pump.
    The Unites STates Can't save the world.:rant:
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Point being we pay $3,
    and $5 is coming

    They are already paying way
    more and still riding bikes
    driving cars

    It will just push the price of labor
    and everything else up.
  7. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    I don't hear any of 'em complaining, though. They let people do drugs in public over there. And over half their paychecks goes to taxes. That's the way we're headed. But for now at least, we still live in a Republic. We can do something about how the government taxes not only gas, but cigarettes and alcohol to death, too. We vote 'em out, like we did last November, and keep voting 'em out until we get some reasonable people in Washington and in our state governments. Is this a pipe dream? Maybe. But I don't see any other way to try to change things.
  8. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    It worked real well last time gas was 5.00 a gallon. The oil companies was making Record quartly profits....
    YOu seen advertisements out the wazoo for people hiring workers. Yea right.

    Everybody I knew started laying folks off and cuttin back.
    KNow a lot of business owners that are still in the hole not from then, trying to dig themselves out.

    I couldn't afford to drive either of my Powerstrokes.
    It hurt to fo to the station and pay 30.00 to fill my bike up.
    Had to cut way back on riding.
    And how did gas go from 5.00 a gallon back to 2.38 a gallon and the oil companies still make a profit for a couple years? :wtf:
  9. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I don't think its possible to vote all of em out.
    Its been 2 yrs. I've asked everybody I've seen if they voted for Obama, can't find anybody that said they voted for him.
    So how did he git in office ?:(
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    Administration wants you off your bike and
    out of those big fuel guzzlers

    They want you in little foreign cars.

    electric cars
    public transport.

    More public transport needs
    more public dollars to spend
    means more taxes
    means more power to government

    Will it hurt, sure
    but mostly those at
    lower income and minimum wage

    isn't it odd that the democrat party
    champions itself as the savior of the poor
    the keeper of the wretched
    the helper of the little man

    yet they enact policies
    that hurt them more than the wealthy

    Proves PT Barnum was a smart man... JMO
  11. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    We're at between 4 and 5 bucks a gallon here. We generally buy smaller more fuel efficient cars or pickup trucks and not a lot in between. Luckily[?] for us the body will fall off the car long before the engine gives up so we're pretty much forced to go with the new stuff earlier. What we're looking for here is to get some of the diesels from Europe that deliver great fuel economy, we're not seeing a lot of demand for that because of the low fuel prices. I think the domestic manufacturers can get better economy than they're getting now, In fact all manufacturers have given us product that isn't as fuel efficient as a number of them were 10 years ago..maybe the added safety equipment and the weight is the price we pay at the pump. The price of gas is dictated by the price of oil and we all know where that is headed. I remember the last oil spike before the crash..I was amazed that the economy did as well as it did. We'll see 100 dollar oil soon enough but I don't think the economy will support the 140 range for a while. My protest vote is a car that gets 40 plus miles per gallon and the bike too
  12. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Have you seen how large the kids today is, How many of em do you think you can fit into a small car.
    It ain't about how many milea a car can git.
    Its about how did fuel go from 5.00 a gallon to 2.38 a gallon for a couple years and the oil companies still got employees and still in business to make more gas.......
  13. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    Oh that? First off, a bunch of people stopped driving, busineses shut down, the world economy went in the tank there was no demand for oil so the price of oil went from over 126 dollars a barrel to just over 33 dollars in six months. That should take care of your gasoline prices. The oil companies in your area still have conventional wells that need employees to man them..that's cheap oil, you can still make money on it. What kicked the crap out of us up here was the halt put on exploration and upgrades to the Tar sands..30 dollar oil doesn't work for those projects and a lot of people in the oil patch lost work..boom and bust, you're from Texas, you know the drill and at the end of the day the oil company will make money. It's the market and the price of gas will increase as long as the consumer is ready to pay, we're currently dealing with the adjustment and I guess you guys are getting to that stage as well..a question to ask is how much of your fuel price is in taxes?
  14. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Shutup !

    I've heard something about the goverment going to raise the taxes on gas sometime soon....:angry:
  15. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    What happens when you use less ,the government gets less per unit soooooo up goes the tax...great eh?
  16. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Gas is 5.00 in Canada but their measurements are different.

    128 ounces in a US gallon
    153 ounces in an Imperial (Canadian) gallon

    And they can still git gas without Ethanol in it.
    Try to find it here without ethanol.
  17. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    now I'm in trouble...I'm forgetting how many ounces in a gallon..thinking metric...our gallon is 4.54 litres, your gallon is 3.8 litres out in our version of California..[left coast] gas is around 1.20 per litre and with both dollars at par it's pretty close to 5 bucks per US gallon..not quite there yet but close..they are taxed heavier there than we are in Alberta, they use some of that money for mass transit. I'm watching the fuel price closely as we are considering buying a 4X4 pickup as we're both getting a little older and with the winters up here and the lack of proper snow removal and my parents living 200 miles away and being in poor health we kind of need something that can get us anywhere with a minimum of fuss..I'm seeing truck prices being a lot more negotiable as the price of gas goes up. They're also going more into the flex fuel...15 per cent ethanol up here more and more too.
  18. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Flex fuel trucks ain't worth the money.
    1st off the truck cost more money. Thouands more....
    2nd off you do not git the milage out of Flexfuel as you do regular fuel. And Flex fuel is higher in price.
    Everybdy don't carry flex fuel. So you loose both ways.
  19. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    good point..forgot about flex fuel being less efficient
  20. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Check out how much more it cost.

    Look around , how many places do you see that has flex fuel.
    Lot of folks here tht bought them said Chevy , skunked them. They threw their money away buying a Flex fuel truck.

    A lot of the 06-07-08-09 Chevy truck owners are having a lot of front end problmes.
    What do you expect from a Omoma mobile.

    Got a buddy that took is 09 chevy 4x4 to the dealer like over 5 times complainin about the front end. They kept telling him its fine.
    Hes gone threw his 2nd set of tires in 36,000 on the front.
    Come to find out the ball joints are junk.:cussing:

    And the dude I work with just bought a 08 Chevy 4x4. It runs on 8 cylinders and cuts down to 4 cylinders on the highway. His fuel milage ain't what he thouth it was gonna be. But hes a die hard Chevy fan.

    Rode in a 2010 Ford Lately..........
    The 2011's are suppose to have a whole new line of motors.

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