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gas in oil

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by rick G, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. rick G

    rick G New Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I have a 1999 Road King with a fuel injected Twin Cam 88. It has ran fine all year. Recently I have been fouling both plugs and on cold nights the bike is hard to start until it warms up. Now it is blowing oil out the exhaust on both cylinders. When I drained the oil it was thin fram gas being in it. What is the cause of gas in the oil?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Only a couple ways this happens. Flooding, where the carb is putting too much fuel into the engine washing down the cylinders for example. Since you are EFI that is probably not the case but, if you have a Power Commander or, another tuning device they may bw causing it. A corrupted PC map can alter fuel curves causing a rich condition. A defective pot on a DFO might cause a rich condition. Even a corrupted map in the ECU can cause it. If you have a Power Commander or other tuning device, take it out of the circuit and test. If the problem goes away, reinstall the map or swap out the unit. If you still are running rich, the ECU might be bad or, you may have major blow by and very poor rign seal the cylinders will be washed down with fuel and that dillutes the oil.
  3. rose_guy

    rose_guy New Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    If I had an EFI car that was doing that I would check the injectors. I don't know if the EFI on a harley works the same.

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