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Generator Output Problems

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by chopperchad, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. chopperchad

    chopperchad New Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    Newport News, Va.
    Recently I have been experiencing no voltage out to charge my battery. I have since tried taking the generator apart, cleaning and inspecting it, checking continuity on the field coils, and brushes, the brushes were a little glazed so I lightly sanded them with emery cloth and cleaned the armature end (which was dull gray) with 0000 steel wool to bring back the bright copper finish where the brushes ride. I then re-installed it and polarized the generator by touching a jumper from battery positive to "F" terminal on generator but still no voltage to battery. I am also running an electronic regulator. Its mounted on a 48/66 Pan Shovel.

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